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WHY do dogs twist in one place before lying down?

Lots of dog owners notice that their pets twist in one place before they go to sleep. Experts say that such a strange and somewhat funny ritual is most likely related to the habits of their canine ancestors, who lived in the wild. A full turn in one place is the animal's subconscious way of mowing down grass and leaves to get a sort of nest to sleep in.

The wild ancestors of domestic dogs slept outdoors, so they weren't always warm and safe. If you tuck grass, leaves, or snow in, you get a much cozier and more comfortable place to sleep. Perhaps the dog makes a circle before going to sleep to feel safer.

Sometimes you may also notice the dog starting to make "digging motions." In extreme heat, it is simply necessary to dig a small hole that is cooler to escape from overheating. In cold weather, a hole can also protect.