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David Shares
created poll 2459d
Testing polls! Which do you prefer the most?
Reddit 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
Twitter 3 votes (3 unique) · 0 satoshis
BlockPress 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis
Memo 22 votes (22 unique) · 2,140 satoshis
Yours 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis


David Shares
replied 2459d
Just some feedback for Memo devs if you see this: add option to hide your votes as a profile setting. Some people may be discouraged from voting if their votes are publicly visible.
replied 2459d
All votes are on the block chain, not only are they publicly visible but they're stored forever.
replied 2459d
That's not how any of this works. Actions on Memo protocol are blockchain transactions. They either exist or they don't. You are only using a front-end that shows how it all connects.
David Shares
replied 2459d
I know how it works. The front-end application can hide any actions they want, for example you don't Likes are toggled off by default. Actions can be hidden on the platform itself.
replied 2458d
What you described would give users a false impression that votes are private when they can't be. Anyone can find out all your votes. What is point of pretend hiding them?
David Shares
replied 2459d
Should read: for example Likes are toggled off by default...
David Shares
replied 2459d
Also, why do I see everyone's votes from all polls, it should only be for this poll only
replied 2455d
Most biased poll if there ever was one.
replied 2458d
Voted twitter but only because memo is so new still :)