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replied 2350d
should spruce memopays code up firstly :)
replied 2350d
Need a front-end designer (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, etc)?
replied 2350d
if you have free time and want to contribute than you are welcome! in near future i may need to add some functionality to website :)
replied 2350d
I mostly do front end design, and my backend language is PHP/mySQL - and if i remember correctly, you guys code in Go. Also, im guessing this isn't you:
replied 2349d is written in GO, i dont belong to team. Im used python for memopay :)
replied 2349d
Well if you want me to work on the front end of the memopay website I would be happy to. Just let me know what you want done. :)
replied 2347d
please reach me in telegram :
replied 2349d
Yay python!
replied 2350d
where were you yesterday when I was fighting with my one pager?! :) did you see it?
replied 2350d
I did see it. Thats what made me ask. That website makes me sad.