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replied 2429d
(4) 2-party systems and multiple party systems have both their pros and cons. E.g. in multiple party systems you need to form coalitions. My pol science advise: start with step 3. MAGA
replied 2411d
5/ and kickstart the public into awareness. All of the other fundamental changes to the party systems and other governance models can only come when the corrupt, broken parts are gone
replied 2411d
4/ You're right though, step 3 really should be the first one. But how does one get the public involved? Right now it seems that just the election of Trump was enough to start the fire
replied 2411d
3/ because it would require exponentially more financing for Big Corp to get their selected representatives elected. Or even get them in the running against another of their selections
replied 2411d
2/ Article the First would break down the current size of districts to roughly 1 representative per every 60,000 citizens. Increased representation decreases special interest funding
replied 2411d
1/ I was aware the districts were how representatives were assigned, but not how the districts and voting work. I don't vote, so I haven't taken the time to learn the process