A built-in development funding system might be a good idea (though I'm not sure if it's actually necessary), but why do you need masternodes for this? Why not just let everyone vote?
I personally will only buy a mined coin. Non-mined coins can be printed endlessly until the earth goes flat. Oh wait some people already think the earth is flat.
That it can't be hacked/money stolen/that it works/that its economic model is solid. There are a lot of assumptions that btc gave us that these newer projects haven't proven themselves
PoW has a tendency for centralization via 51% attack, which is why eventually we might not be using BCH, as it shares this flaw with BTC, for memo.cash.
That centralization is fine because 51% is not really a big deal. Still censorship free, all old txs untouchable. That alone is worlds better than legacy.
So many coins... I think we need a technological solution to analyze coins against one another in a scientific way. How about a blockchain for this purpose? Let's call it #Coincoin.
It's a wonderful idea, but I think they chew to much, they will choke on the execution (time). The idea itself will happen in some way or another soon though, with or without Bitcoin.
"Web 3.0" and proprietary hardware makes me suspicious. Impossible to tell whether there are some good ideas in all the new coins coming out, and whether those ideas will work.
Not many. Perhaps you mean Impractical. I only contend that it's Impossible. Skycoin's match with fractals is why I was interested in it to begin with. Not many catch my eye.