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saved 158d
The ego is involved just as much in believing the entire official narrative as it is involved in believing the entire alternative narrative. In the former it's about belonging to the rational, educated and powerful vs the nutcases. In the latter it's about feeling awake and ahead of everyone else.

Those who search for truth don't choose a team to beling to and then toot their horn on every topic.

If you can look at that footage and say to yourself "this looks real", find with me. I look at it and everything screams fake.

When it comes to Masons, they are indeed largely a boring club. But that'snot the whole truth. They are, after all, part of the mystery schools. Pagans who swear an oath on their lives. These are the people you want in operations that need a high level of secrecy. And if they are sexual deviants even better, kompromat is a hell of a control tool.