> Did you just say that #LGBTQ is a mental illness???
Yes, it is. Do you know how the classifications got removed? It's a fascinating story of threats & bulling by aggressive perverts
Do you know what Psychological Projection is? When someone obsessively accuses someone else of the exact thing they themselves are. You should become more accepting of yourself.
Projection? LOL. Nice try. Why don't you look up how those poor mentally ill lost their classification. It's about seriously obsessive sick perverts harassing APA members and so on.
Lmfao Yeah alright. All LGBTQ are sick perverts harassing APA members are they??? Omg. Do you even hear yourself? Your blinded by your own hate and you blame others for it. Projection.
Then please stop using condoms and tell the girl to stop putting hormone pills or anything else into her body to prevent getting pregnant. I see perverted sex addicts all around me.
I do not have any anger but how can I not be sad in this world of liars? I am disappointed & I use my energy to promote the solution to these issues: bitcoin & veganism & shamanism
Its not about shame its about enlightment. You are missing the positive effects on your physical and mental health which you can not realize with eating "normal" without trying vegan.
Thats actually so true. The radiation is a huge problem. My father died from #cancer partially by wifi radiation. Many studies prove radiation causes illness. Julian Assange is next.
You never know! They installed Wi-Fi in a large retirement home, and several of the old people there died the next months. Same with hospitals that got Wi-Fi people died there.
I just think that it is funny to see people getting some new experience, diet, vitamin, tech, experience some change in health, and then link the together without question or testing.
So I should say right now that I am joking about the old peoples homes and hospitals, there is no data that I have seen suggesting that there is any link between mortality and Wi-Fi.
People smoke regardless of the risks. The same is true of eating meat. Even if the cherrypicked studies were true that meat was bad for you. People would still do it.
Some people smoke some cigarettes but most have stopped smoking. Watch back 50 years when smoking was still cool. Same thing happens to meat & milk. #veganism is growing exponentially.
The mainstream media says the same about #bitcoin because they want to sell banking products. They also spread false information about #veganism because they want to sell animals.
Vegans and their endless rants are the reason why I have no wish to become one. I also love good quality beef, lamb, wild bore and venison and so on. Yummy stuff. Damn, I am hungry now
I agree. That's why I hate math. Teachers giving the lectures about the importance of math and blah blah blah. Well let me tell you. Math is dumb. I mean, look at these teachers.
I guess severe lack of protein and other good stuff we get from meat causes you come up with something as idiotic as this. Go have a steak. Grass feed, free range - Wagyu beef. Yummy
I've been looking at this myself. Veganism: reduce suffering as much as possible. Militant veganism: STOP HURTING THE ANIMALS AT ANY COST. I consider militant veganism a cult.
If people think that eating meat is bad for them, then they will fee bad about eating meat. Which makes them eat more meat to fill that dark hole they have in their soul. (Joking).
Some animals might eat you. Others, probably not. But that's beside the point. People have moral agency and are (ideally) civilized/non-aggressive. Animals don't have these qualities.
Pham, you should take a trip to Sub Sahara Africa. Moral agency. LOL. Lets talk when you get back. Hold on, are they even humans? Lets see what DNA says
You don't need to eat animals to satisfy your hunger. You might need to satisfy a habit, perhaps, but habits can and should be changed when it becomes known that they are destructive.
Sure, but we can only work within known science. All sorts of things that we haven't figured out yet can potentially be true, but taking such unknowns into account would be irrational.
We need to take the fact that we do not know into account at least. Just as it was not uncommon to view animals as non-sentient for sure in the past. We have no way of actually ->
-> measuring sentience, but we infer the likelihood from comparing the biology of humans and animals. But yeah, we have no clue about how consciousness works.
We can acknowledge the fact that we don't know everything, but we can't act based on things we don't know. Science or even doing anything rational would be impossible under such logic.
Science is a method that works great in some fields of life, but what gets funded, prioritized and is used as argumentation in human affairs are also subject to politics and economics.
Are you measured by what you do with those in power, or those who are weak? How we treat animals reflects on how we treat humans. Non-human animal abuse is the start of cannibalism.
Many people forego eating animals because eating them supports the systems they abuse them in completely unnecessary ways. Animals would NOT abuse you. They may kill you and eat you...
if you have cats, you deserve the abuse. #Fact: Only reason you are still alive is because cat(s) are to small. Yes, this is the only reason why your cat hasn't killed you by now.
Then don't be a cheap fuck, buy free range & grass feed meat. Cost more but it also tastes better and wont give you cancer. Cancer is caused by injected growth hormones to cheap meat
Support you how? Do you want a medal for eating grass? Go eat what ever you want. Don't tell me what to eat. If you force that shit on children and pets, you are a sick sadist.
You are terribly misguided. “Paired with an inevitable lack of self control” has nothing to do with being LGBTQ. Plenty of straight people are perverts & lack self control.
What is so interesting about others having sex? Dont we have enough real issues to talk about & pay attention to? Sex topics are being used to preoccupy the population with nonsense.
Exactly right, and not only is it used to distract people from real issues (sport also), it is also used to destroy morality to make money out of it also at the same time.
Sex is never immoral if it happens with consent it is a positive behaviour. Eating animals is immoral because it involves pain, suffering and death. Lets talk about #veganism.
We have to eat animals, other animals eat us when we die, this is a natural cycle. Problem is with over consumption, problem is when people torture animals, when they have shit life.
I do not eat animals since 5 years, my health has improved incredibly. I believe it gives me peace & freedom. Animals eat animals but I am human. I see no reason to eat animals at all.
I stopped eating meat and my health became terrible. But that was just because I became ill, not because I stopped eating animals, did not become better after eating animals again:P
do you live in an area where there are a lot of vegans? I've traveled to places like that & it's easier to not eat meat (esp at great vegan restaurants).
I always find a way to eat something #vegan in any restaurant. Salads, potatoes, rice. But i mostly eat from supermarkets as I mostly eat raw cereals/seeds/nuts & raw fruits/veggies.
It is far harder to get all the proper amino acids for a full protein from vegetables. It is easiest with beef. Also cholesterol is not always bad. I need lots of protein and fat.
Balance is the most important thing for a diet. If you eat too clean your body has nothing to filter out; if you eat like shit then your body has more to filter out than it is capable
It actually does mean something. When eating proteins you only actually get as much as whichever amino acid you get the least of. There is nothing wrong with eating meat.
There are dozens of things wrong with it. We only do it because we are used to it. The only negative aspect of a vegan diet is the learning curve of a few months. Then it's all win.
hmm. oh yeah, I'm not trying to gain weight. would be tough on vegetables. & meat makes me feel too full. Nice to have every now and then or in small portions though.
We don't have "all you can eat" places. At least I have never seen one. I have seen those in US. Food quality is shit, so I avoid. Quality over quantity keeps you healthy.
There's varying quality. I've found that restaurant quality/price ratio heavily depends on taxes and regulatory pressure. Also in bigger cities like Chicago there's restaurant cartels.
Yes we eat animals, problem with that is how we feed/grow and ultimately kill those animals. That is where immorality takes place, but consumers are not exposed to those immoralities.
You will never be able to sanitize the killing of animals for food. All you can hope for is to keep the practice obscured for as long as possible. Eventually, people will find out.
In fact, with LGBTQ making up only about 5% of the general American population you could argue there's far more perverts and people without control amongst heterosexuals than LGBTQ.
its 2-3% population but 40% of child molesters, 55% HIV cases, 82% syphilis, 37% of anal cancer and only 20% of LGBTQ adults are STD free. 92% of adopted children are abused by LGBTQ
Too many numbers is enough for you to say "I won't believe it"? LOL. Those are all gov collected stats. Go look them up, and while you are at it, check out #LGBTQ "family" violence
The child abuse numbers are pretty high in general for institutions, lower for adoptive parents in general but still pretty high. Step parents about 100x more likely to abuse the child
I appreciate this. I was more curious about 40% child molesters, 92% of adopted children abused by LGBTQ and 82% syphillus as those numbers seem outrageous, others not so much.
A side not to the child abuse in Lesbian/Homosexual adoptive households - it was often that the guardians gave access to the children to child molesters it counts the total abuse.
The Child Molester stat depends on what you count as children, molestation and homosexual/bisexual, and if you consider sexual abuse of a boy as homosexual or not, also what number ->
-> and criteria you use to select for what counts as Homosexual/Bi in in adults. Counting sexual relations with men or being exclusive with men, having had sex with women or not ect ->
-> so if you count abuse of boys as bi/homosexual then you get high numbers as a fact that people that sexually abuse children may have gender preferences but their interest are not ->
-> in adults, so men coupling up with other adult men (or women) to use as a way to get access to abusing children skews the stats. But the overall trend is that people that are ->
I do not have the relevant study comparing hetero married couples with adoptive lesbian/gay couples on hand, the numbers seemed pretty bad BUT compared to the abuse in institutions ->
-> it was comparatively not bad, and the takeaway was that abuse of children not with their biological parents is very high and that while there may be some difference between ->
-> on average hetero/lesbian/homosexual parents, the numbers are pretty high across the board and preferable compared to having the children in institutions instead of adoptive partent
So it is not a lesbian/homosexual/Hetero thing, it is more "Not your biological children" thing. Marriage with biological children best case scenario on average statistically.
You clearly didn't exercise self control when you lusted after your wife. You certainly didn't exercise self control looking for a wife. You ARE a pervert.
I am going to recommend you for a medal. A gold medal in metal gymnastics and virtue signalling. BTW, you still have not told me why perverts should be not considered as mentally ill
Trans trying to force everyone to use gender neutral pronoun so they can live their fantasy world without having their feelings hurt by reality is VERY wrong.
Ok your male correct? I am only going to refer to you using female pronouns against your will from now on. Yes ma’am. Now you & your wife is are lesbians. Now your mentally ill.
Thank you for confirming how ridiculus these people are. When I refer to a person I refer to their chromosomes. I don't give a shit about how they feel about them.
No ma’am. The presence of testosterone or estrogen in the body is what determines gender. Chromosomes determine DNA & the genetics passed on from mother and father. Yr a silly woman.
Chromosomes determine if u have a penis or a vagina. There are 2 possible combinations XX which will make u a female and XY which will make u a male. Hormones imballance is a illness.
Of course, then gene expresion leads to hormone release which determines gender. For example, estrogen leads to brain masculinization under fetal development.
Are you really so noble that you can make a permanent statement here that you never have sexual urges? or activity for the purpose of pleasure rather than strictly reproduction?
I have to guess you have not managed to find a dictionary, or if you have, you cant figure out how to use it. Good luck with that. Let me know, when you have managed to.
That's what pervert means, "distort or corrupt the original course, meaning, or state of (something)" So, by definition any sexual act of pleasure is an act of perversion.
Puting a penis in a vagina for reproduction in natural. No one can deny that unless you are deeply retarded.Unnatural is puting a penis in an anus to reproduce yourself. Not gonna work
So why exactly is a gay guy having sex for pleasure some morally degenerate thing, but someone hooking up on Tinder with a girl for a one nighter somehow more acceptable?
No, that's religious bullshit, just moral judgment. Fortunately, freewill allows human being to have all kind of sex only for pleasure without caring about reproduction.
When you attribute perversion to someone or someone, you're doing a moral judgment, it cannot be inferred by any science field. Moral judgments comes from culture and religion.
That requires you to first make the moral judgement that perverted is bad. Which someone could argue was not the case. Perverting the justice of an unjust law for example:P
That is like asking, "Why are you assuming a digestive purpose on eating?" Sex is for the purposes of reproduction - that's just fact. Keep your strawmans to yourself.
Ok. But that makes the majority of heterosexual sex perverted in nature too, since most people have sexual relationships before marriage, and certainly intent to reproduce.
Would you advocate voluntary celibacy and avoiding masturbation and/or sexual lusting/imagery in general? As a good way to live life (if not for other, then for yourself?)
What are you implying by "self control"? If his actions were morally right, it wasn't perversion.. You are not born to be a pervert, you learn to become one.
People tend to disagree on that. People claim to have been born all sorts of things thought. Is it possible to be born into something like robotics fetish. Maybe. But I do not know.
So what, you cut everybody's balls off and grow humans like Brave new world? We will always have to deal with weak people that can't control themselves.
If strong willed individuals are able to control their urges and behaviors and prioritize grand goals outside of procreation, then we know where humanity is headed as a whole.
There are no “laws of biology” Biology is just biology. It’s not a law. Almost all animals engage in same sex sexual activity. By your definition all animals are mentally ill.
Biology is full of laws just like any and all science fields you ignorant twat. And yes, animals are subject to illness just like any other biological living. Your point being?
Ok so I guess the entire animal planet is just mentally ill then all because they ALL engage in same sex behaviour. That makes perfect sense.... :/ Laws of nature need not apply.
The vast majority of animals aren't engaging in such acts. WTF are you even talking about? Only a very few in isolated phenomenon which can definitely be categorized as illness.
According to Bagemihl (1999), same-sex behavior (comprising courtship, sexual, pair-bonding, and parental activities) has been documented in over 450 species of animals worldwide.
Do some research before you spout off misinformation. You will easily find several sources confirming homosexuality in animals with a simple google search.
And almost all, if not all, reference Bagemihl's ridiculous book. Its pathetic. Its a dumb argument for a dumb argument because why are you basing your behavior on an animal anyway?
The entire point is that a great many species including humans engage in homosexuality. It is not an uncommon occurrence today or throughout history. Not a mental illness as he says.
If you're going to rubber stamp any human behavior as 'normal' because some animals may do it, that's just fuckin insanity on your part. Animals shit in public - do you?
You're actually doing a pretty good job of proving your own mental illness, when you claim to use animal behavior as a litmus test for what is acceptable human behavior.
So its not a mental illness for people to do something as long as animals do it? You're an idiot. My dog eats cat shit - is that ok for people to do at your house?
There are people who eat shit, and like it. Coprophilia. Which is not currently considered a mental illness unless the person eating shit is obsessed or distressed about it.
It was a continuation of a conversation with someone else. TrashPosterinthe Dark or whatever his name, said that homosexuality amongst animals was only an isolated few and far between.
Not agreeing or disagreeing with your conclusion but "animals do it so we should too" is an extremely dumb argument. By that logic we should also be murderors, cannibals, polygamous...
The argument wasn’t animals donit so we should too. The argument was that homosexuality isn’t an uncommon occurrence that is seen in animals and humans and It’s not perverted.
I've skimmed through it - its a joke. His "references" are just other people giving opinions like he is, and its poorly written. Not scientific at all.
Animals can not get ill. They are by definition always healthy, because their diseases are natural. Not the unnatural diseases we get, like smartphone disease. (Joking.)
You specifically stated in regards to homosexuality in animals “Only a very few in isolated phenomenon which can definitely be categorized as illness.” I provided proof your wrong.
It is proven &scientifically documented that homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a common occurrence. Not an isolated instance categorized as illness as you state. So ya your wrong.
In 1973, (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality
"Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness.” Sigmund Freud 1935
“with much greater sexual diversity – including homosexual, bisexual&nonreproductive sex than the scientific community and society at large have previously been willing to accept."
This discussion is regarding LBGTQ. Pedophilia, beastialty, objectophilia, looners, plushys and whatever else people are into are all of an entire different conversation.
Overindulgance of sexual activity leads to perversion. Perverted sexual activity, be it hetero, homo, masturbation etc. is the opposite of love. Therefore it's an addiction and ill.
I will make the boldest claim. Sex for reproduction is perversion/mental illness, it is just that the non-perverted did not reproduce so we failed to realize it.
I believe it applies to anything in life. You lose control over a certain aspect of your behavior, it serves you ill. It's a slippery slope that isn't easy to spot when you are on it.
So your arguing the Websters dictionary definition of Illness and calling it an unscientific propaganda narrative... your tin foil hat is strapped on tighter than your wife’s dildo.
The "illness" part of Mental Illness for people that are able to function is the "distress" of something, not unusual or absurd preferences and behaviors.