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2008d · Clownworld
Here is how CAPITALIST Owned & Controlled MSM brainwash you: CNN Caught Blocking Bernie Supporters From Camera w/Jordan Chariton
America is very much same as Fascist Germany, after all the CIA was formed by the Fascists that fled from Germany, the Capitalists from US funded and traded with Fascists in Germany... US is the one that created Fascist Israel which is also acting as Fascist Germany and using narrative of Holocaust as an excuse to bully and kill others since its inception. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS YOU MORONS... EVERYTHING ABOUT AMERICA IS AND ALWAYS WAS ONE BIG FAT LIE. American people are equally brainwashed as Germans were in WWII.... and you people disgust me... back then there was no internet to show you other side of argument, not you have this, so there is no excuse for you morons to remain so fucking ignorant.