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@Memo needs help onboarding new users. Is there any budget for marketing to attract new users? I could clean up my profile and assist in getting new users. Please reach me if we can work together on this. Thanks Jared
replied 2204d
Use it, use it, USE it. Promotion is easy with all the crazy censorship on centralized platforms. Just a few thought leaders here is all it will take.
replied 2204d
I use it! Sometimes I post good stuff. Sometimes a bit crazy but overall that means more TXNs. Also, censorship resistance is key.
replied 2204d
Agreed. I try to use memo as much as I can, not only cause it’s fun but also cause it helps to support our growing BCH ecosystem :D
replied 2204d
Memo is good in many ways. Also, it's all about the transactions...
replied 2204d
If Memo users increased the number of transactions on the site, it would increase value of the network. Sorry if you don't like everyone's posts. Also, it increases the value of BCH.
replied 2204d
You get a BCH transaction! And YOU get a BCH Transaction!! EVERYONE GETS A BCH TRANSACTION!!!!! 🤗😎👌🏻
replied 2204d was around for years and today, they are onboarding 10,000
replied 2204d
Memo & faucet should work together so we can on board users who have no clue about how to use BCH. Once they are here they will become interested in learning how to use it.
replied 2204d
Faucets are all good but having a centralized marketing team working on onboarding users for the community has benefits as well.
replied 2204d
The feature to make BCH tip directly to user will help attract newcomers. If they are first time crypto users they can learn here how handy BCH is.
replied 2204d
I would like to allocate more time to onboarding users. But, this takes away from my hours as Owner of Web Marketing LLC. If the community could provide more tips, I could do more...
replied 2204d
For a marketer, this is a large % difference between volunteering time for free and being paid to work as the job requires.
replied 2204d
Same for most of us ;)
replied 2204d
Good point.
replied 2204d
What Memo users need to do is get one friend to sign up and hold their hand the entire way through the process. I think everyone has one friend that they can enable.
replied 2204d
We plan to continue to improve the on-boarding process so it requires less hand holding. Thank you for your efforts!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2204d
Have you guys talked to Ryan X. Charles about integrating moneybutton? That way we can get users who hold any cryptos, not just BCH.
replied 2204d
Great idea :)
replied 2204d
Can you create a MIPS repository so we can submit proposals? I have a zillion concepts and no time, so I may as well share them 😂
replied 2204d
Yes, thanks for bringing it up:
replied 2204d
Thanks!! Sent a list via GitHub (long message, DM, encryption, etc), but I also have zero account on-boarding, diff for edits, etc. Proof is done, working on backend for a demo.
replied 2204d
Nice! I don't see anything on Github yet, will keep a look out though.
replied 2204d
I submitted an Issue a few days ago with a huge list, just haven't had a chance to follow up. I'll re-format and submit as MIPS. Thanks for all your effort with!
replied 2203d
Ya how do I send the extremely small amount on bch I have on here to a different wallet?
replied 2203d