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replied 2115d
Not necessarily though. Sometimes a post may not get much of a response because it was posted at a poor time or just gets buried by the hot topic of the day.
Georg Engelmann
replied 2115d
A reddit-style dislike can potentially lead to negativity and brigading (certain reddit groups) - probably why twitter has a heart button and facebook has likes, but no dislike
replied 2115d
Well it’s not really a “Reddit style” dislike button if the dislike creates a transaction on BCH and any tips associated with the dislike are put into the faucet for new users.
replied 2115d
It seems to me that there is a way for even a disliked/unpopular post to become a valuable asset on BCH as far as transactions are concerned. Controversy can create transactions too.
replied 2115d
With Reddit, when something reaches a certain number of dislikes, it collapses the associated thread. Here many dislikes would only create more transactions without the soft censorship