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"Hinman acknowledged that there may still be some confusion over how to determine if any cryptocurrencies and ICOs are securities and that his office was willing to help"

I'm sure the SEC is willing... to learn :)
replied 2414d
Hinman sounds like he owns ether... he should be sent to jail like Martha Stuart for "insider trading" hahaha
replied 2413d
Convoluted ETH path, is that why it's safe to claim "decentralised"?
Hardly when forked from a DAO decision.

How to prove who "owns" what?
Conveniently "it's complicated".
replied 2413d
Also, do you own something that's spoken for someone else 180 blocks into the future by a smart contract?
replied 2413d
great point, thinking ahead.

What's 'ownership' anyway,
if not the bottom line?

Well, for those that realise their value.
replied 2413d
how can value be determined
if the books are hidden?

Is that what this is all about,
people knowing intrinsic value,
the 'number' that indicates worth?

Is that what #ProofOfWork is?