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Boom 💥 bought 50 BCHSV on Poloniex! They have to respect as BCH if ABC gets annihilated. Can’t wait. Bitcoin once in lifetime deal!
replied 2201d
Bitmain is not Jihan anymore. He can’t fight hashwars to bankruptcy (lost that opportunity with Blockstream) because he has shareholders. BCH is an easy steal from him now! BCHSV ftw
replied 2200d
Ok, speaking of a deal that is too good to be true I am going to keep my fingers of this pre fork trading. Might be illegal:
replied 2200d
So do your BCHSV have to stay on Poloniex until after the fork now? Or is there a wallet that supports it already?
replied 2200d
It’s an IOU because BCHSV doesn’t exist yet. After the battle once BCHSV wins, you get, they owe you BCH.
replied 2200d
replied 2200d
What is an IOU ? Doesn't this count as naked trade?
replied 2200d
I don’t know if it’s that. I’ve bought a lot. I’m buying maybe 25 more BCHSV today. If BCHSV is only survivor, BCHSV = BCH and they owe me that. It’s in their terms.
replied 2200d
If both chains survive, will your still get an equal amount of BCHSV & BCHABC?
replied 2200d
BCHSV only, its essentially futures.
replied 2200d
😬😬😬 yikes
That’s definitely putting all your eggs in one basket.
replied 2200d
Yeah, more so because of how zero-sum like this battle is turning out to be. All or nothing...
replied 2200d
Good job!
replied 2200d
That deal almost sounds too good to be true