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replied 2108d
I care, because the insane people atte the majority of people. And they can dramatically impact your life for the worse. Especially if you have kids. CPS for starters.
replied 2108d
People in general believe in and defend taxation and the belief in authority - of the right for sociopaths to rule think themselves and others.
replied 2108d
Suppose you talk about weed, which despite being the safest "drug" and being basically a plant, is considered the same as hard drugs like cocaine. Same with DMT.
replied 2108d
You know - that of wanting weed and seeing if anyone might be able to hook you up. That'll go well.
And only because it's illegal, for who knows what reason.
replied 2108d
And CPS is heavily involved in trafficking children, just as the CIA distributes cocaine. Just short of total Orwellian nightmare is our current reality.
replied 2108d
So, if you speak out and people don't like what you're saying and they think you're a bad parent and CPS agrees, your kids could get taken from you and put into child sex slavery.
replied 2107d
I have friends who work CPS, & while it is certainly underfunded and employs a few horrible people who take advantage of their power, they are certainly doing the world a net positive.
replied 2108d
They don't even need to agree.
Maybe you rubbed someone wrong and they just want you hurt, and so they use the media machinery to create a belief that is unshakable despite evidence.
replied 2107d
My CPS friends lose more sleep at night over the kids in horrible situations who they can’t rescue due to lack of significant evidence.

It is not how you make it sound.
replied 2107d
And that's the other side of the pernicious tragedy of the commons that law creates.
Pedophiles, rapists, murders, and ongoing abusers, get off the hook on both ends.
replied 2107d
On the one end, they are protected by law.
On the other, the mass of people are not.
That's what you get in a ruler system such as we have.