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How a BTC user lost $700K due to full blocks delaying his transaction:
replied 2206d
Not only $700k, he also lost time due to the slow Bitcoin Core transaction times. Many people were stressed out during the objective proof period where BTC failed as cash #NeverForget
replied 2206d
This guy talks about transferring $4mil like it's pennies lol
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2206d
Small food wholesale/manufacturer - payroll 50k, buys from suppliers 200k+, sales 275k+, utilities, truck rental, insurance, tax, USDA fees etc.. It's not money if it can't do this.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2206d
If you own a business, it is pennies! A tiny company of about 20 people that I worked for had a cash flow near a million dollars a month. Depending on supply costs books were often red
replied 2205d
Here is my BitClub Network referral link if anyone is interested in joining.

Does anyone know if there is a developer blog for the wallet?
replied 2206d
Very interesting video, thanks for posting Roger!
replied 2207d
Hi Roger,
Thanks for the jeepney mention
um, they're not on the road yet
and there's only one.

In 6 weeks it will be taking passengers.