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replied 2359d
En Fri Mand
That's the group that trolls r/btc from r/bitcoin. They had a secret group and it was exposed in a btc core dev's slides at a conference one time.
En Fri Mand
replied 2358d
ah yes thats right. now i remember.
replied 2358d
I used to own Monero along with the other privacy coins, but I sold it all due to their toxic behavior. Monero is actually the weakest of privacy coins anyway tho so no worries.
replied 2358d
Fluffy Pony (Spokesperson of Monero) lost all his credibility when he started spitting on #BCH and posing on photos with Greg "Judas" Maxwell. #Monero was created for illegal botnets.
replied 2358d
Have way bigger anon-sets than XMR. Plus the timing analyses and all the bugs means it was probably created with 'backdoors' to allow for easy deanoning.
replied 2358d
I wouldn't touch the stuff for any reason, esp. privacy. Dash anon set is 81 at 4 rounds, and 6561 at 8 rounds. PIVX is like 14 mil. ZCash is like 3 million etc all other privacy coins
replied 2358d
I've heard from at least two members of r/btc that Monero was created as a honeypot. Now that I know the history of its privacy, anon-set 0 then 3 then 5 now 7, which is really low
En Fri Mand
replied 2358d
I just saw they had yet another bug.
replied 2358d
replied 2358d
Yup, looks like they're being shut down on exchanges. Their devs are hiding it apparently