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#hmwyda wishlist:
Update my list again, some delete and some add. New list at the end. Thank you!
In many companies, many people are so arrogant and domineering even though they have done bad things. They are rich and powerful, but should they be so upright? Should we be so superior? Where is the fairness of the world?
1:朱付强, 为节约成本, 给客户供应过期的汉堡。 3%
Zhu Fuqiang, in order to save cost, supply customers with expired hamburgers.
2:肖祖, 开的美容公司, 坑了我很多很多钱。 4%
Xiao Zu, a beauty company, cheated me a lot of money.
3:刘洲成, 在老婆怀孕以及月子中对老婆六次家暴, 没有人性。 3%
Liu Zhoucheng, six times of domestic violence against his wife during his wife's pregnancy and confinement, has no humanity.
4:张默, 对女友童谣大打出手, 导致其骨折, 渣男。 5%
Zhang Mo, the girl's nursery rhyme fight, leading to his fracture, slag male.
5:孙志浩, 与老婆吵架把丈母娘推下楼梯, 讨厌家暴男。 4%
Sun Zhihao, quarrels with his wife and pushes his mother-in-law down the stairs.
6:李阳, 数次殴打妻子, 还洋洋得意, 渣男。 3%
Li Yang, beat his wife several times, but also complacent, slag man.
7:黄毅清, 渣男一个, 家暴妻子。 5%
Huang Yiqing, a scum man, family Violence.
8:刘贵乔, 殴打女友, 欺负弱小。 4%
Liu Guiqiao beat his girlfriend and bullied the weak.
9:陈威陶, 殴打妻子, 渣男。 3%
Chen Weitao, beating his wife, scumbag.
10:达伦·科里森, 家暴妻子, 渣男。 4%
Darren collison, beat his wife, scum man.
1:北京招彩旺旺信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 1%
Without the user's knowledge, secretly steal the user's information
2:嗨学网, 欺骗客户交钱, 后面不兑现承诺, 退钱难, 欺骗客户。 2%
Hixuewang, cheating customers to pay money. If they don't fulfill their promises, it's hard to refund money and cheat customers.
3:中科智联科技有限公司, 窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 5%
Zhongke Zhilian Technology, steals information and makes harassing calls.
4:上海氪信信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 3%
Without the user's knowledge, steal the user's information secretly.
5:壹鸽科技, 私自窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 4%
YiGe technology steals information and makes harassing calls.
6:融360, 虚假信息多, 欺骗客户贷款。 5%
Financial 360, fake information, cheat customers loans.
7:金蝉钱包, 窃取客户信息, 虚假宣传。 2%
Jinchan wallet, stealing customer information, false publicity.
8:纸坊电器售后服务公司, 售后明修暗骗, 没有任何道德。 3%
Zhifang electrical after-sales service company, after-sales repair insidious cheat, there is no morality.
9:聘证网, 租借医药师证, 罔顾人命。 5%
PinZheng net, rent pharmacist certificate, regardless of human life.
10:猎正网, 租借医药师证, 欺骗群众, 给生命造成伤害。 2%
Liezheng net, renting medical certificate, cheating the masses, causing damage to life.
1:汉堡王(香港)发展有限公司的职工, 过期汉堡重新贴上标签给顾客吃, 没有道德。 1%
Any employee of Burger King (Hong Kong) Development Company. are unethical to re label expired burgers for customers.
2:山东即墨海参养殖基地, 用敌敌畏养殖海参, 为了利益没有任何道德。 3%
Any member of Shandong Jimo Sea Cucumber Breeding Base uses dichlorvos to breed sea cucumbers, There is no morality for profit.
3:河北永亮纺织品有限公司, 生产的毛巾以假充好, 谋取不正当利益。 5%
Any member of Hebei Yongliang Textile Company, used fake towels as good ones to seek illegitimate benefits.
4:五菱汽车股份有限公司, 生产的宝骏560变速箱完全不合格, 以次充好。 2%
Any staff of The Baojun 560 gearbox produced by Wuling Automobile Company, was completely unqualified and was shoddy.
5:广州鸿力筑工科技有限公司连, 事故应急救援预案不合规, 完全不尊重生命。 5%
Any member of Guangzhou Hongli Construction Technology Company, did not comply with the accident emergency rescue plan and did not respect life at all.
6:广州市万卓置业有限公司, 修的房子竟然还要漏水, 为了利益完全豆腐渣工程, 欺骗大众钱财。 1%
Any staff of Guangzhou Wanzhuo Real Estate Company, does't meet the requirements of the construction, caused water leakage, garbage project, and deceived the public with money.
7:江西登云健康美业互联有限公司, 欺骗客户, 虚假宣传。 3%
Any member of Jiangxi Dengyun Health & Beauty Interconnection, deceives customers and makes false publicity.
8:兰考县宁远食品有限公司, 生产问题辣条, 生产车间满是垃圾, 没有道德。 2%
Any member of Lankao County Ningyuan Food Company, has a problem with the production of spicy strips. The production workshop is full of garbage and there is no morality.
9:馆陶县振堂蛋鸡养殖有限公司, 生产假的土鸡蛋, 没有道德。 5%
Any member of Guantao County Zhentang Laying Hen Breeding Company, produces fake eggs without morality.
10:金得利, 生产黑心纸尿裤, 没有任何责任心, 太讨厌了。 3%
Any member of Jindeli produces black-hearted diapers without any sense of responsibility, which is too annoying.
First update list:
1:我国的中考高考制度,疫情之前很多富裕的家庭都把自家小孩送到国外留学,那是因为国内的升学制度太严苛,小孩承受压力太大,我希望能给孩子们一个快乐的童年,轻松的成长 5%
1: In China's high school entrance examination system, before the epidemic, many wealthy families sent their children to study abroad. That's because the domestic entrance examination system is too strict and children bear too much pressure. I hope to give children a happy childhood and easy growth
2:俞某冬,为了谋取妻子的财产,不惜将怀有身孕的妻子推下悬崖,导致妻子流产,这样的人真的是不配为人,天理不容。 7%
2: In order to seek his wife's property, Yu did not hesitate to push his pregnant wife down the cliff, resulting in his wife's abortion. Such a person is really unworthy of human nature.
3:广州洛旗餐饮有限公司、广州凯郡昇品餐饮管理有限公司,其公司官网、微信公众号上使用与茶颜悦色装潢相同或者近似的标识设计进行广告宣传,还积极对外进行加盟业务的宣传与推广,进行引人误解的虚假宣传。不但抄袭”茶颜悦色”,还反咬湖南茶悦公司商标侵权,实在是厚颜无耻,该重罚。 8%
3: Guangzhou LUOQI catering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Kai County Sheng food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd., its official website and official account of WeChat public use advertising logo which is similar or similar to the design of the same color or similar color. It also actively promotes and promotes the franchising business and misleads false propaganda. Not only plagiarize "Cha Yan Yue se", but also bite the trademark infringement of Hunan Cha Yue company, which is really shameless and should be severely punished.
4:普吉杀妻骗保险理赔,张某凡,一个特别恐怖的人,首先对妻子不忠,为了谋取妻子的财产,竟然谋杀自己的妻子,图谋巨额保险金,真是天理难容,希望能得到严惩。 11%
4: Phuket kills his wife and swindles insurance claims. Zhang moufan, a particularly terrible man, is unfaithful to his wife first. In order to seek his wife's property, he even murders his wife and plans to pay a huge amount of insurance money. It's a shame. I hope he can be severely punished.
5:郑州市春霖职业培训学校校长,郭萍,发表了煮熟的鸡蛋可以靠意念把它变为生鸡蛋而且还可以孵出小鸡的论文,这样的论文有悖常理,误导大众,引起社会的恐慌,不应该是一个校长所做的事,希望能做事更严谨一些,完全不负责任。 8%
5: Guo Ping, the principal of Zhengzhou Chunlin vocational training school, published a paper that boiled eggs can be turned into raw eggs and chickens can be hatched. Such a paper is contrary to common sense, misleading the public and causing social panic. It should not be done by a principal, hoping to be more rigorous and irresponsible.
6:旅云南西双版纳旅游导游强制甚至威胁游客购物,希望这样强制购物的旅游业能得到有力的整顿甚至杜绝。 5%
6: Tourist guides in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, force or even threaten tourists to shop, hoping that such forced shopping tourism industry can be effectively rectified or even eliminated.
7:昆明钢铁控股有限公司党委书记董事长杜陆军及两名副总经理做假账,吃国家的钱,无责任心。 7%
7: Du Jun Jun, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Kunming Iron and steel Holding Co., Ltd., and two vice general managers, who make false accounts and eat money from the state, have no sense of responsibility.
8:浙江一位爸爸15.8万将自己两岁半的亲生儿子卖掉,带着现任妻子游山玩水,这样的人不配做父亲,不配做人,希望得到严惩。 11%
8: A father in Zhejiang sold his two-and-a-half-year-old son for 158000 yuan, and took his current wife to go sightseeing. Such a man is not worthy of being a father or a man, and he hopes to be severely punished.
9:内蒙古自治区自然资源厅副厅长,王杰,身为国家工作人员,利用职务上的便利,非法收受他人财务合计人民币3800余万元,以公牟利,徇私,该重罚。 9%
9: Wang Jie, deputy director of the Department of natural resources of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as a state functionary, illegally accepted more than 38 million yuan of other people's finance by taking advantage of his position. He should be severely punished for making profits for the public and for favoritism.
Latest added list:
1: The landlady of Huizhou banquet keeps a dog without tying the rope, which scares the children in the community. The shareholder not only doesn't apologize, but also the woman's behavior is too arrogant and arrogant. She said she was teaching her partner how to behave and do things, and she said, "how dare you touch my dog? If you dare to get my dog, I'll kill your child. You try? Don't you want money? I have money! I did a few Huizhou banquets, which I did. If I have money, I'm not afraid. I can afford to lose tens of millions. My dog is not as valuable as mine. This kind of behavior is too arrogant and arrogant. You think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want? No quality, ignore others, should be severely punished, refused to go to Huizhou banquet consumption.
2: Zhang Tao, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of directors of aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd., failed to recommend academicians, so in full view of the public, he brutally beat Academician Wang Jinnian, 55, and Academician Wu Meirong, 86, of the International Academy of Astronautics. The beating lasted for one hour, resulting in fracture of Wang Jinnian's ribs, multiple soft tissue injuries of the whole body, fracture of Wu Meirong's spine, and hospitalization. What a thrill! It is unimaginable that two national treasure level scientists have devoted their lives to the country and made great contributions to the development of China's science and technology; However, he was beaten to death by a gentle and eloquent capital bureaucrat, who obviously bullied the weak and became insane.
3: Vita milk, an employee of the purchasing department of Hong Kong, China, attacked a police officer with a knife and then committed suicide. Vita milk not only made a big show of condolence to the murderer, but also said in the notice that the murderer died unfortunately. This is really the invisible Hong Kong Independence. We should fight against the invisible Hong Kong Independence, never be soft hearted, and should be severely punished.
4: Guo Meimei, flaunting rich woman and "net red" are the labels on Guo Meimei. Guo Meimei was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for the crime of opening a casino. In 2019, after Guo Meimei was released from prison, she still didn't know how to repent. She used her so-called "fame" of "Internet red" to sell toxic and harmful weight loss health food on the Internet platform, and added the prohibited ingredient of "sibutramine" which would cause harm to her body to the "weight loss drugs" she sold. Such people are so morally incorrigible.
5: Mango TV signed artist Liu Lu, who brought contraband into the railway station, not only hindered railway law enforcement officers from performing official duties, but also yelled: "I'm a public figure, you're done", causing adverse social impact. It's really stupid to be so ignorant and arrogant.
6: Shen Zhili, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee and vice president of the North China University of technology, has a bad political conduct. She has made many anonymous false accusations, resisted organizational censorship and participated in superstitious activities; In violation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, they used public cars for private use and illegally accepted gifts and money; They have a weak sense of organization, conceal and do not report personal matters, and take advantage of their authority or position to seek benefits for others in the employment of cadres and workers; Indulge in beauty, extravagant life; Taking advantage of their position to seek benefits for others, or taking advantage of the convenient conditions formed by their power and status to seek illegitimate benefits for others and illegally accept other people's property through the official behaviors of other state functionaries, shall be severely punished.
7: Javier said that he woke up in a hospital and lost all his memory. He knew his name from the documents. He found out from the electronic equipment that he lived in 2027, but everything around him still stayed in 2021. It's just strange that there was no one in the whole world, not even a bird, Among them, his video is full of flaws. In this way, he is a liar.
8: Sony launched the new machine advertisement at 10:00 p.m. on July 7, 1937, which was the time of the "July 7 Incident" in China. Since he chose such a sad historical moment as the launch time of the new machine, it is a serious disrespect to us and the country.
9: Zaozhuang rural commercial bank, the customer deposit of 1 million into a dollar, but also wronged the customer forged passbook, the result was the bank staff falsely claimed as much as 6 million, such a bank is very ridiculous, management is not rigorous, caused great harm to customers.
#hmwyda wishlist:
Update my list again, some delete and some add. New list at the end. Thank you!
In many companies, many people are so arrogant and domineering even though they have done bad things. They are rich and powerful, but should they be so upright? Should we be so superior? Where is the fairness of the world?
1:朱付强, 为节约成本, 给客户供应过期的汉堡。 3%
Zhu Fuqiang, in order to save cost, supply customers with expired hamburgers.
2:肖祖, 开的美容公司, 坑了我很多很多钱。 4%
Xiao Zu, a beauty company, cheated me a lot of money.
3:刘洲成, 在老婆怀孕以及月子中对老婆六次家暴, 没有人性。 3%
Liu Zhoucheng, six times of domestic violence against his wife during his wife's pregnancy and confinement, has no humanity.
4:张默, 对女友童谣大打出手, 导致其骨折, 渣男。 5%
Zhang Mo, the girl's nursery rhyme fight, leading to his fracture, slag male.
5:孙志浩, 与老婆吵架把丈母娘推下楼梯, 讨厌家暴男。 4%
Sun Zhihao, quarrels with his wife and pushes his mother-in-law down the stairs.
6:李阳, 数次殴打妻子, 还洋洋得意, 渣男。 3%
Li Yang, beat his wife several times, but also complacent, slag man.
7:黄毅清, 渣男一个, 家暴妻子。 5%
Huang Yiqing, a scum man, family Violence.
8:刘贵乔, 殴打女友, 欺负弱小。 4%
Liu Guiqiao beat his girlfriend and bullied the weak.
9:陈威陶, 殴打妻子, 渣男。 3%
Chen Weitao, beating his wife, scumbag.
10:达伦·科里森, 家暴妻子, 渣男。 4%
Darren collison, beat his wife, scum man.
1:北京招彩旺旺信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 1%
Without the user's knowledge, secretly steal the user's information
2:嗨学网, 欺骗客户交钱, 后面不兑现承诺, 退钱难, 欺骗客户。 2%
Hixuewang, cheating customers to pay money. If they don't fulfill their promises, it's hard to refund money and cheat customers.
3:中科智联科技有限公司, 窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 5%
Zhongke Zhilian Technology, steals information and makes harassing calls.
4:上海氪信信息技术有限公司, 在用户不知情的情况下,偷偷窃取用户信息。 3%
Without the user's knowledge, steal the user's information secretly.
5:壹鸽科技, 私自窃取信息, 打骚扰电话。 4%
YiGe technology steals information and makes harassing calls.
6:融360, 虚假信息多, 欺骗客户贷款。 5%
Financial 360, fake information, cheat customers loans.
7:金蝉钱包, 窃取客户信息, 虚假宣传。 2%
Jinchan wallet, stealing customer information, false publicity.
8:纸坊电器售后服务公司, 售后明修暗骗, 没有任何道德。 3%
Zhifang electrical after-sales service company, after-sales repair insidious cheat, there is no morality.
9:聘证网, 租借医药师证, 罔顾人命。 5%
PinZheng net, rent pharmacist certificate, regardless of human life.
10:猎正网, 租借医药师证, 欺骗群众, 给生命造成伤害。 2%
Liezheng net, renting medical certificate, cheating the masses, causing damage to life.
1:汉堡王(香港)发展有限公司的职工, 过期汉堡重新贴上标签给顾客吃, 没有道德。 1%
Any employee of Burger King (Hong Kong) Development Company. are unethical to re label expired burgers for customers.
2:山东即墨海参养殖基地, 用敌敌畏养殖海参, 为了利益没有任何道德。 3%
Any member of Shandong Jimo Sea Cucumber Breeding Base uses dichlorvos to breed sea cucumbers, There is no morality for profit.
3:河北永亮纺织品有限公司, 生产的毛巾以假充好, 谋取不正当利益。 5%
Any member of Hebei Yongliang Textile Company, used fake towels as good ones to seek illegitimate benefits.
4:五菱汽车股份有限公司, 生产的宝骏560变速箱完全不合格, 以次充好。 2%
Any staff of The Baojun 560 gearbox produced by Wuling Automobile Company, was completely unqualified and was shoddy.
5:广州鸿力筑工科技有限公司连, 事故应急救援预案不合规, 完全不尊重生命。 5%
Any member of Guangzhou Hongli Construction Technology Company, did not comply with the accident emergency rescue plan and did not respect life at all.
6:广州市万卓置业有限公司, 修的房子竟然还要漏水, 为了利益完全豆腐渣工程, 欺骗大众钱财。 1%
Any staff of Guangzhou Wanzhuo Real Estate Company, does't meet the requirements of the construction, caused water leakage, garbage project, and deceived the public with money.
7:江西登云健康美业互联有限公司, 欺骗客户, 虚假宣传。 3%
Any member of Jiangxi Dengyun Health & Beauty Interconnection, deceives customers and makes false publicity.
8:兰考县宁远食品有限公司, 生产问题辣条, 生产车间满是垃圾, 没有道德。 2%
Any member of Lankao County Ningyuan Food Company, has a problem with the production of spicy strips. The production workshop is full of garbage and there is no morality.
9:馆陶县振堂蛋鸡养殖有限公司, 生产假的土鸡蛋, 没有道德。 5%
Any member of Guantao County Zhentang Laying Hen Breeding Company, produces fake eggs without morality.
10:金得利, 生产黑心纸尿裤, 没有任何责任心, 太讨厌了。 3%
Any member of Jindeli produces black-hearted diapers without any sense of responsibility, which is too annoying.
First update list:
1:我国的中考高考制度,疫情之前很多富裕的家庭都把自家小孩送到国外留学,那是因为国内的升学制度太严苛,小孩承受压力太大,我希望能给孩子们一个快乐的童年,轻松的成长 5%
1: In China's high school entrance examination system, before the epidemic, many wealthy families sent their children to study abroad. That's because the domestic entrance examination system is too strict and children bear too much pressure. I hope to give children a happy childhood and easy growth
2:俞某冬,为了谋取妻子的财产,不惜将怀有身孕的妻子推下悬崖,导致妻子流产,这样的人真的是不配为人,天理不容。 7%
2: In order to seek his wife's property, Yu did not hesitate to push his pregnant wife down the cliff, resulting in his wife's abortion. Such a person is really unworthy of human nature.
3:广州洛旗餐饮有限公司、广州凯郡昇品餐饮管理有限公司,其公司官网、微信公众号上使用与茶颜悦色装潢相同或者近似的标识设计进行广告宣传,还积极对外进行加盟业务的宣传与推广,进行引人误解的虚假宣传。不但抄袭”茶颜悦色”,还反咬湖南茶悦公司商标侵权,实在是厚颜无耻,该重罚。 8%
3: Guangzhou LUOQI catering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Kai County Sheng food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd., its official website and official account of WeChat public use advertising logo which is similar or similar to the design of the same color or similar color. It also actively promotes and promotes the franchising business and misleads false propaganda. Not only plagiarize "Cha Yan Yue se", but also bite the trademark infringement of Hunan Cha Yue company, which is really shameless and should be severely punished.
4:普吉杀妻骗保险理赔,张某凡,一个特别恐怖的人,首先对妻子不忠,为了谋取妻子的财产,竟然谋杀自己的妻子,图谋巨额保险金,真是天理难容,希望能得到严惩。 11%
4: Phuket kills his wife and swindles insurance claims. Zhang moufan, a particularly terrible man, is unfaithful to his wife first. In order to seek his wife's property, he even murders his wife and plans to pay a huge amount of insurance money. It's a shame. I hope he can be severely punished.
5:郑州市春霖职业培训学校校长,郭萍,发表了煮熟的鸡蛋可以靠意念把它变为生鸡蛋而且还可以孵出小鸡的论文,这样的论文有悖常理,误导大众,引起社会的恐慌,不应该是一个校长所做的事,希望能做事更严谨一些,完全不负责任。 8%
5: Guo Ping, the principal of Zhengzhou Chunlin vocational training school, published a paper that boiled eggs can be turned into raw eggs and chickens can be hatched. Such a paper is contrary to common sense, misleading the public and causing social panic. It should not be done by a principal, hoping to be more rigorous and irresponsible.
6:旅云南西双版纳旅游导游强制甚至威胁游客购物,希望这样强制购物的旅游业能得到有力的整顿甚至杜绝。 5%
6: Tourist guides in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, force or even threaten tourists to shop, hoping that such forced shopping tourism industry can be effectively rectified or even eliminated.
7:昆明钢铁控股有限公司党委书记董事长杜陆军及两名副总经理做假账,吃国家的钱,无责任心。 7%
7: Du Jun Jun, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Kunming Iron and steel Holding Co., Ltd., and two vice general managers, who make false accounts and eat money from the state, have no sense of responsibility.
8:浙江一位爸爸15.8万将自己两岁半的亲生儿子卖掉,带着现任妻子游山玩水,这样的人不配做父亲,不配做人,希望得到严惩。 11%
8: A father in Zhejiang sold his two-and-a-half-year-old son for 158000 yuan, and took his current wife to go sightseeing. Such a man is not worthy of being a father or a man, and he hopes to be severely punished.
9:内蒙古自治区自然资源厅副厅长,王杰,身为国家工作人员,利用职务上的便利,非法收受他人财务合计人民币3800余万元,以公牟利,徇私,该重罚。 9%
9: Wang Jie, deputy director of the Department of natural resources of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as a state functionary, illegally accepted more than 38 million yuan of other people's finance by taking advantage of his position. He should be severely punished for making profits for the public and for favoritism.
Latest added list:
1: The landlady of Huizhou banquet keeps a dog without tying the rope, which scares the children in the community. The shareholder not only doesn't apologize, but also the woman's behavior is too arrogant and arrogant. She said she was teaching her partner how to behave and do things, and she said, "how dare you touch my dog? If you dare to get my dog, I'll kill your child. You try? Don't you want money? I have money! I did a few Huizhou banquets, which I did. If I have money, I'm not afraid. I can afford to lose tens of millions. My dog is not as valuable as mine. This kind of behavior is too arrogant and arrogant. You think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want? No quality, ignore others, should be severely punished, refused to go to Huizhou banquet consumption.
2: Zhang Tao, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the board of directors of aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd., failed to recommend academicians, so in full view of the public, he brutally beat Academician Wang Jinnian, 55, and Academician Wu Meirong, 86, of the International Academy of Astronautics. The beating lasted for one hour, resulting in fracture of Wang Jinnian's ribs, multiple soft tissue injuries of the whole body, fracture of Wu Meirong's spine, and hospitalization. What a thrill! It is unimaginable that two national treasure level scientists have devoted their lives to the country and made great contributions to the development of China's science and technology; However, he was beaten to death by a gentle and eloquent capital bureaucrat, who obviously bullied the weak and became insane.
3: Vita milk, an employee of the purchasing department of Hong Kong, China, attacked a police officer with a knife and then committed suicide. Vita milk not only made a big show of condolence to the murderer, but also said in the notice that the murderer died unfortunately. This is really the invisible Hong Kong Independence. We should fight against the invisible Hong Kong Independence, never be soft hearted, and should be severely punished.
4: Guo Meimei, flaunting rich woman and "net red" are the labels on Guo Meimei. Guo Meimei was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for the crime of opening a casino. In 2019, after Guo Meimei was released from prison, she still didn't know how to repent. She used her so-called "fame" of "Internet red" to sell toxic and harmful weight loss health food on the Internet platform, and added the prohibited ingredient of "sibutramine" which would cause harm to her body to the "weight loss drugs" she sold. Such people are so morally incorrigible.
5: Mango TV signed artist Liu Lu, who brought contraband into the railway station, not only hindered railway law enforcement officers from performing official duties, but also yelled: "I'm a public figure, you're done", causing adverse social impact. It's really stupid to be so ignorant and arrogant.
6: Shen Zhili, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee and vice president of the North China University of technology, has a bad political conduct. She has made many anonymous false accusations, resisted organizational censorship and participated in superstitious activities; In violation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, they used public cars for private use and illegally accepted gifts and money; They have a weak sense of organization, conceal and do not report personal matters, and take advantage of their authority or position to seek benefits for others in the employment of cadres and workers; Indulge in beauty, extravagant life; Taking advantage of their position to seek benefits for others, or taking advantage of the convenient conditions formed by their power and status to seek illegitimate benefits for others and illegally accept other people's property through the official behaviors of other state functionaries, shall be severely punished.
7: Javier said that he woke up in a hospital and lost all his memory. He knew his name from the documents. He found out from the electronic equipment that he lived in 2027, but everything around him still stayed in 2021. It's just strange that there was no one in the whole world, not even a bird, Among them, his video is full of flaws. In this way, he is a liar.
8: Sony launched the new machine advertisement at 10:00 p.m. on July 7, 1937, which was the time of the "July 7 Incident" in China. Since he chose such a sad historical moment as the launch time of the new machine, it is a serious disrespect to us and the country.
9: Zaozhuang rural commercial bank, the customer deposit of 1 million into a dollar, but also wronged the customer forged passbook, the result was the bank staff falsely claimed as much as 6 million, such a bank is very ridiculous, management is not rigorous, caused great harm to customers.