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"Coingeek is trying to hype the SV price for their fake "scaling Bitcoin conference" this week. I'm fairly impressed with the amount of absolutely 100% false information they've been able to assemble into a grand
replied 2279d
BAB is not even bitcoin. It should change its name.
replied 2279d
It's not. BCH is Bitcoin. Now go celebrate SV with their replay protection.
replied 2278d
BCH died in painful torture by Aumary and friends
replied 2278d
Saying BCH is dead is like saying you are dead. But yet you still post. LMAO.
replied 2278d
It was an terrible slaughter
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;) evo i tebe nazad!
replied 2278d
Bok! Kak si?
I am Satoshi
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The timing is too perfect to not suspect some sort of pre planning.
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narrative of "Bitcoin SV as the original Bitcoin" (with which they ARE stepping on Core minions' toes, but at this point they don't need Core anymore). Given that Calvin is a big shot
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in the gambling industry, and based on SV's propaganda, it looks like they'll be schmoozing up gambling executives and trying to fleece them into buying up some SV bags. First Craig
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will pump them into a frenzy with his promises about his next-gen payment network, without letting on that SV's code is technically lacking any merit, its mining infrastructure is
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completely centralized and subject to permissioning, censorship, transaction reversal, astronomical increases in fees, and is 100% tracked and traced. The Ryan X Charles will come on
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with his "startup geek" spiel, followed by Jimmy's NLP-music-backed cheesy boilerplate motivational speech. I figure they could pump the price as high as maybe 0.6 BCH or 0.02 BTC.
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The good news is, Calvin is basically forced into buying up SV bags throughout the conference anytime the price starts to sag. Probably a dip for the next day or two, then he'll be
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eating 10k-100k of those SV coins at whatever price they're trying to sustain. Of course a dump will likely happen after the end of the conference. We could also see Bitmain or another
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whale drop a giant turd on the SV markets as a payback for the last 2 weeks of malicious SV mining. This is likely why the exchanges backing SV are not enabling SV deposits, if Binance
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, Poloniex, and Bitfinex can hold the SV price up artifically (they have a huge percentage of the SV trading volume and nobody can get more supply in), then sellers on the other
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exchanges can't dump SV price down too low. And Craig can just create a few million worth of wash trades on any of those exchanges with ease."