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replied 2394d
So, like this?
replied 2394d
Better, but still no proof of human inside. A vid from inside shootle would be nice.
replied 2394d
So, like this?
replied 2394d
Also the last stage, from 43 min on is all subsonic.

Also the temp inside is a balmy 80-90 F, and you say outside is 4000 F? Dont see any air coniditioning ;)
replied 2394d
So now you don't believe in heat shields?
replied 2394d
We're still on a topic of video proof of descent, right ?
replied 2394d
I would need some of these heat shields myself. Where can I buy them? Amazon? It is only 100 F outside here. It should not be a problem, considering they work so well at 2000-4000 F
replied 2394d
Equating shuttle heat shields to air conditioners for a house?
replied 2394d
No. Equating 90 F in my home to 90 F in the space shuttle, silly.
replied 2394d
The thermodynamics of a space shuttle in re-entry are nothing like your house in the summer.
replied 2394d
You'll have to be a lot more specific to continue. I am already calling on flat earth people to talk to you!
replied 2394d
Or this?
replied 2394d
See above. Btw, these amateur made vids is best NASA can produce?

Also I see a lot of burnt material ;)
replied 2394d
NASA didn't make those. And yes, some material is lost when your blazing through the atmosphere at thousands of mph with an exterior temperature greater than 2000 degrees.
replied 2394d
The point I am making is NASA didn't make anything better either, or even anything worse,. They simply didn't document