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replied 2350d
@memo I can like this post multiple times. This allows manipulation. especially when likes are used for a rating / ranking of a post.
replied 2350d
Each like costs a transaction though. It's funding, not manipulating.
replied 2350d
if we need to develop quality assessment /rating algorithms based on likes, user connectivity and some other values for future larger data sets, no one should be counted twice.
replied 2350d
Check out, its another memo client with those extra features.
replied 2350d
You can already filter out likes from the same account by using a block explorer. Democracy doesn't make sense for digital communities because digital identity is not solved.
replied 2350d
nobody can prevent someone from writing an action in the blockchain several times ... but it should be ignored by the algorithm. Either I like or dislike something or I'm neutral.
replied 2350d
That is a bad idea. If anything it is nice to be able to quantify how much you like something. Adding the tip is one way and multiple likes is another. Cost is a metric.
replied 2350d
Funding whom? When you like something, you're donating to the miners. The person you like only receives funds if you send a tip.
replied 2350d
People see the number of likes, that is what you're funding. In return you get the assurance that ppl have seen that memo with that number of likes next to it.