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En Fri Mand
2199d · EOS
What has made #EOS so popular already? right now 70 tx/s which I think is almost all the time.
replied 2199d
dApps 😉 lots and lots of dApps
Lots of development and free transactions
En Fri Mand
replied 2198d
But your ability to make free transactions is based on how many eos you hold i guess
replied 2198d
No it isn’t. If you have even just a half an EOS you can still make free transactions. You can also use “CPU emergency” to temporarily borrow CPU to make free transactions.
replied 2199d
replied 2199d
But, it's centraliiiiiiized!!!
En Fri Mand
replied 2198d
Yes it is! That's why I don't like it.