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created poll 2153d
Which is your preferred denomination?
Satoshis 12 votes · 2,228 satoshis
Bits - 1,000 satoshis 9 votes · 1,234 satoshis
Bitcoin - 100 million satoshis 11 votes · 7,777 satoshis
Microbitcoin (mBXX) - 1 million satoshis 2 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 2153d
Long term I think the bit is a clear winner in terms of usability. Simple, easy to understand, and divisible to 100 sats, just as all present-day currencies are divisible to 100 cents.
replied 2153d
1 bit = 100 satoshi

replied 2153d
Ahh, thanks! This is exactly why I find the middle denominations confusing. I personally prefer either Bitcoins or Satoshis.
replied 2152d
It all started with Bits. I remember getting bits from coinbase whenever someone registers from my referral link last 2015 I get some few bits.
replied 2153d
Apparently I messed up both Microbitcoin and Bits, both should have one less 0 (100k and 100 respectively). Exactly why I prefer not to deal with micro/nano decimals.
replied 2153d
If we need intermediate denominations, I prefer ksats (1,000 satoshis) and msats (1 million satoshis). Easier mental math IMO.
replied 2152d
1,000,000,000 = giga
1,000,000 = mega
1,000 = kilo
0.001 = milli
0.000 001 = micro
0.000 000 0001 = nano
replied 2153d
Lol, this is still wrong. It's millibitcoin (100k sats) and microbitcoin/bits (100 sats). Thanks @lugaxker.