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2477d · memo
Memo now supports profile pics!
replied 2477d
It looks like y'all are grabbing a copy of the image and serving from your own servers. Too bad we can't store the image in the blockchain. What is the ID at end of URL? Cache-buster?
replied 2477d
The URL is stored on-chain - we were considering adding image hashes as well, but decided to keep it simpler for now. Yes, the ID is a cache-buster :)
replied 2476d
Hey memo, I didn't know how to @ you so I am replying to this.

How do polls get into the "ranked" list? Does the number of votes or money activity on the poll count toward it?
replied 2476d
The ranked list is only determined by likes. It would be good to include polls based on votes though, we will look into it.
replied 2476d
I am running a World Cup sportsbook as you might have noticed. There is already 80,000 bits bet on today's match by 10 people. I really wish this poll-bet to appear in the front page.
replied 2476d
Why don't you do it in a Topic so it's easier to search. There is a "World Cup 2018" topic.
replied 2476d
That topic has only 2 followers. Just follow me and you will see bets in feed :D
Spendl A Bit
replied 2476d
A good bookie would memo an online livestream of the match. Hint hint. Keep at it
replied 2475d
Consider implementing onchain encrypted DM
replied 2475d
In fairness there's a lot to be said for off-chain encrypted DM.
replied 2475d
Yes, there are no reason that every thing has to be on chain. While Core doesn't want every coffee purchase on chain, we shouldn't aim to have every random media on chain either.
replied 2475d
I thought that was memo's aim?
replied 2474d
I don't think they're planning to let you upload videos and pictures directly onchain.
replied 2475d
Yes please, I want one platform that satisfies all my needs.
Rewards based
AND simple.
replied 2475d
replied 2473d
Hey memo, I have trouble paying out people in a sequence in a short time. UTXO management sucks. I have to wait for confirmations. Paying 10 people takes an hour of waiting. Pls help!
replied 2473d
There isn't anything in the memo backend that requires waiting for a confirmation.
replied 2473d
You have to wait for actions to propagate (usually less than 10 seconds) before performing another though. Definitely something we'd like to improve.
En Fri Mand
replied 2473d
So the browser creates/signs a tx and sends it to a BCH node?
replied 2473d
Currently the txn is created/sent from the backend. Eventually this might be changed to happen in the browser.
replied 2473d
nearly every time I try to post something this message appears on my screen:
replied 2473d
Thanks for reporting, another person said they were having a similar issue. We're looking into it.
replied 2470d

I pay bet winnings in batches (such as outside of memo. More convenient, easier to track.

Can you make such payments to memo users show up in notifications?
replied 2470d
Would you be able to add the OP_RETURN output so we can link it to the poll? Also, are there any features you'd like to see added that would make it easier to do it on the site?
replied 2469d
feature: another reply button for polls called `tip-results`; for non-poll memos this button can be called `tip-repliers`
replied 2470d
A payout to voters option would be nice. Different amount to each voter in one batch payment. Sort of like a gift to all voters but each with an amount I determine. Can you do this?
replied 2470d
Good idea, thanks! We'll see if we can add something like this. Probably will be some time though.
replied 2468d
Hey, I think you should clone voting protocol and make a new betting protocol out of it with betting limits, easy batched payouts for bet-makers etc.
replied 2469d
How about anonymous voting (betting)?


1) Choose option
2) Write message
3) Add tip

Then memo produces a QR code. User scans it from their phone and sends tx.
replied 2470d
This makes every kind of betting very very convenient on memo. You can even have memo bookies in the future :D:D
replied 2465d
Have you considered implementing sections (busines and financial, random, politics... ) like 4chan? I belive if it's not implemented people will continue just talking about BCH
replied 2465d
That's what topics are supposed to be. Any suggestions on how they could be improved?
replied 2465d
Yes. My idea is create a hastag bond to every topic/section. Example: show all memo that include #anime on the section and all posts publishied from /anime.....
replied 2465d
....from /anime section automatically include the #anime. So should be posible to create memos on every topic's subsite
replied 2465d
Create a logo or image/meme on the top of every popular topic would make it even more atractive
replied 2465d
That would actually be a good idea.

Yo dawg, i heard you like topics, so we added topics for your topics
replied 2465d
You can already search for topics with keywords like that.
replied 2465d
IMO right now every "topic" should include diferent discussions separated just like the main page
replied 2465d
I agree. That's the main distinction in structure between Memo and 4chan. You have gaming, and then individual threads under that for different games/discussions. Make it happen Memo.
replied 2464d
Perhaps rename topics to "groups" or "Topic Groups" or something. Then have a "Create Topic" or "Create Post" button.
replied 2464d
Discussion groups
Create a discussion
What do you think

Have the topics "speak" to people.
replied 2464d
Yeah, "Discussion Groups" is a good thing to call it.
replied 2464d
When 'group settings' are headed with questions that usually prompts people to engage.
Depending on results wanted, if discussion is the goal, what has you want to participate?
replied 2464d
No one gets it. Topic's are like subreddits. Post in topic starts thread. People should reply to post & make thread, but they post more topics. Ends up a confusing disjointed convo.
replied 2465d
Every category should have it's bunch of topics. Rename actual "Topics" to "politics" and you will aready have a very cool section. Then just make a subsite to choose between sections
replied 2465d
Is there a mechanism for voting for topics? In the sense we can "upvote" official commonly used topics and ignore spam or dead topics?
replied 2464d
Number of followers is sort of a proxy for this.
replied 2469d
Memo needs to not allow users to have identical user names. There's like a bunch of accounts with the same name "memo".
replied 2464d
Next to user names it indicates whether you're following the user (or if not, how many people you're following are). We should probably make it more obvious.
replied 2468d
Yea, and how do you do that in a decentralized way?
replied 2464d
Easy, you honor the first one to get the name by transaction time.
replied 2464d
What about reserving every major brand name so I can make millions selling them back or impersonating them? Not a problem?
replied 2464d
Guess not. That's why Trump's twitter handle is @realDonaldTrump. Just like in early days of internet when corps were slow to get onboard.
replied 2469d site can implement that, but anyone can publish directly to the blockcahin, and set any name.
replied 2469d
Follow the correct one. Problem solved.
replied 2469d
NO. This is not a solution. This needs to be fixed ASAP. We all like memo but please be objective.
replied 2471d
Maybe this information could be useful. I'm using Firefox
replied 2473d
I'm pretty certain you can make a tx and then use the outputs of that tx to make another one and they can both be included in the same block but I could be wrong.
replied 2473d
I think so too but the server memo gets stuck at "Creating..." and page gives an error a while later. I don't know why.
replied 2473d
That happened to me also at some point a while ago, I was wondering why but I suppose this could be it.
replied 2470d
Try - should work a bit faster for you.
replied 2473d
"We've updated how wallets are unlocked. Please re-login to unlock your wallet."

Every time I try to post I receive the message above and am forced to log in again. Using Firefox.
replied 2473d
Which OS/Firefox version? Memo relies on localStorage, perhaps your browser version doesn't support it? Does this happen every time or only some times?
replied 2473d
RHEL 7.5
Firefox. 52.8.0 (64-bit)

Happens every time. I do have Adblock Plus installed as an add-on.
replied 2473d
upgrade your Firefox to Version 60.
replied 2473d
Thanks but not an option for me (work computer).
replied 2472d
Did you try another browser on a different computer? Like Chrome? Does it work on your mobile device?
replied 2472d
Chrome works fine on the same computer. I just prefer Firefox. No biggie.
replied 2477d
An image is too large for the blockchain. What decentralized storage options we have? IPFS? Sia? Oyster Pearl?
replied 2475d
torrents with JoyStream monetization, for web there is webtorrent protocol implementation
replied 2475d
I tried out joystream... imo people arent going to pay for stuff thats available on tpb, but where it could work is content creators (amateur porn, music creators, game makers, etc)
replied 2474d
We need to let the protocol mature a bit. The niches you mentioned are huge anyway.
replied 2476d
You can also use things like SVG w/ file compression & get some nice looking imgs in pretty small sizes. IPFS is good too, but the basic protocol would be nice to keep all on 1 chain.
replied 2476d
IDK, can get imgs pretty small. I'm able to reduce mine @ 320x320 to 10,091 bytes w/o too much trouble. That's what, 40 TX? You only do it occasionally. Costs about $0.19 today.
replied 2476d
What's wrong with tipping, keep tipping :)
replied 2476d
You gotta say something interesting that I like more than a regular like. Then I tip, but I'm a fairly stingy person in general.
replied 2477d
use <Set Profile Picture> in the Dashboard
replied 2474d
done, thank you!
replied 2474d
How do I change my profile pick. Can not find anything in the settings page.
replied 2474d
Go to: Dashboard -> Set Profile Picture
replied 2474d
thank you! Wasted some Satoshis on this ;).
En Fri Mand
replied 2476d
IPFS pls!
replied 2475d
WebTorrents pls!
En Fri Mand
replied 2475d
With webtorrent you need to keep a tab open seeding the file?
replied 2474d
AFAIK — yes, until WebRTC Data Channel is supported in SharedWorkers. The issue was discussed at least three years ago, and I believe there will be some progress soon.
En Fri Mand
replied 2474d
Cool. What makes Webtorrent superior to ipfs? In your opinion
replied 2474d
WebTerront is basically a BitTorrent — a battle-tested protocol with almost two decades of history. IPFS is mostly an overhyped proof of concept.
replied 2474d
More to that, IPFS will most likely be tied to Filecoin — a monetization layer that is foreign to Bitcoin (cash). With BitTorrent we can have monetization over our own layer.
replied 2474d
There can be special archival nodes on desktop systems that seed files to webpeers, we have the basis to start now.
replied 2474d
Once WebRTC is improved and new version is deployed, such “media layer” can be drastically improved. That will take some time though.
replied 2476d