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The speed of Memo posting is much more fluid now. Still waiting for external image and video support from non-approved sources though!
replied 2287d
is there a security risk to adding external image and video support?
replied 2286d
According to Memo there is.
replied 2286d
ok thanks, not a web programmer or security expert so I don't know either way. (Q_Q)
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2286d
If I setup an image host, and hotlink an image here...I would have the IP addresses of all Memo active memo users. I'm sure there's other vectors, but privacy is foremost in my mind.
replied 2286d
If people click links, same issue. Memo could filter imgs thru their server so no IP addr is leaked. Would use more server resources though. Someone want to provide free img proxy?
replied 2286d
Oh jeez, we have VPNs, TOR, web based proxies, what more u need and who cares :P
replied 2286d
Not sure is real concern. Imgur & have that info. If you really are concerned, should use VPN. Even without this technique, ISPs see what IPs connect & can give info to gov.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2286d
Memo having an IP address is far different than a throwaway account linking to a honeypot having it. Indeed, it is only risk mitigation at this point.
replied 2286d
You know you can get memo copy from github and use your own instance xD
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2286d
It's a user-facing issue: HTTP requests for URLs embedded in the blockchain will be fired regardless if I'm running a local instance. Autoembed can be turned off, but that's not ideal.
replied 2286d
Ah i understand, thats why VPN & TOR was invented xD
replied 2286d
ahh, thanks for the explanation. hmm yeah privacy should be held pretty high.