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■ Anonymous 12/31/16 (Sat) 09:20:22 ID: 806178 No.8642890 »0602097 »0602909 ile 8ffa366141e355 (97.11,612.12.1:1.arn Nothing disappoints me mare about /pol/ than the fact tat it is supposedly redpilled, except there is no difference between its thoughts on pedo/heberephebopphilia and what you would hear on the most poaed mid-80s newscast during the height of the Satanic daycare sexual abuse panic. For all of you agecucks out tore, a few questions:

1. How do you explain the fact tat age of consent laws were the first thing on the agenda far Jewish and Jewish-backed first wave feminists once they got going? (Age of consent laws were pushed by early feminists even before women's suffrage.) We know that one of the main long term mutual aims of feminists and kikes has been to destroy the family unit and harmony between the genders. Why was pushing an age of consent an important to them then? Why did they just magically happen to do one "good thing" before going on to then destroy society?
2. Some of the greatest men in history lived in times when the age of consent was low. (The age of consent in colonial Delaware was only?. And, no, you cant use the .people didn't live as long back ten' excuse because that's not even We. When you account far infant mortality, people who survived past their vulnerable la:Idler year generally lived to at least a reasonable 60 or so on average.) Were these men degenerates? Do you really think the men who built the foundations of western society and created the strength of the family unit in the first place were less knowledgeable about the proper relations between men and women than us? Did they just hate children, or not care about their mental wellbeing? Or were they too stupid to notice the wives they took at very young ages growing up to be "traumatized" by the sexual contact they had with them? And all of these fathers willingly married their daughters off into "honific sexual abuse' with no reservations? All of those hypotheses seem unlikely, and pic related shows an example of a happy manage between an older man and a younger girl from prior times. Does this guy !ask like a degenerate to you? pretty obvious had kick the ass al mast people an /poi/ for insulting his wife or his manage and not feel bad about it. You think that in today's degenerate times you could even hope to have a marriage half as successful as his? But you're going to judge him?
3. As we know, the mainstream media nowadays pushes nothing but degeneracy and filth. Everything they say is perfectly crafted to manipulate the white race into destroying itself. And yet their views an pedo/heberephebaphilia and age-disparate relationships line up perfectly with /palls. (No, a few clickbait articles on Salon do not erase the vast amount of effort aver decades the mainstream media has spent decrying age-disparate relationships.) Why are you believing what the bluepill media tells you hook, line, and sinker on just this one issue? They're trying to destroy your society, heritage, and culture on every other issue, but they just happen to be right about this one thing? Or do you think ifs somehow some sort of coincidence that you have such strong feelings about possibly the most propagandized-against issue in human history?
•Anonymous 12/31/16 (Sat) 09:21:54 ID: 806178 No.8642897 ,,asazsoz ›,asazsaz »8642890 Continued: (A note on those Salon articles and the alleged leftisrpush for podophilie:
When those Salon articles ("r m a pedophile but I'm not a monster? and the follow-up) came out, the immediate right-wing response was 'Look! The left is starting to push pedaphiliar, but being a truly redpilled individual and not just your average meme-spouter, I immediately discemed the truth. The key point of the article was that the (white) writer was sexually attracted to younger girls, but was completely chaste about it He kept it in his pants. It was immediately obvious what the Jews were propagandizing. They know that the floodgates on girls becoming sexually promiscuous at a young age (as apposed to sexually active in a stable marriage as in the past, which is a key distinction between modem kike child wharification and the normal, loving age-disparate relationships of times) had already opened because of their slutification of adult women trickling down to younger girls. And they want to guarantee that only shitskins get to take advantage of it, because that best helps promote their degenerate racemixing agenda, and because if white men began seeking out relationships with younger girls, they would realize that their heads are still pure and available far true romance and start converting them into proper wives like they had in the past and cut them cliff= whoring areund before they had even reached their prime cock carousel years. Far the Jewish agenda of universal promiscuity, this is the ultimate failure made, a catch-22 in their own program. So they are going to begin to push the meme of it's okay to have sexual feelings toward young girls (white) goyim, as long as you never act on tem.' They wonlexplicitiy target the message toward white people, but they know that only white people read Salon articles, and only white people have enough of a moral compass to restrict themselves from having sex with sexually attractive females far any reason. So the left's alleged 'push far pedophilie is actually a push for CHASTE podo/hobe/ephebaphilia for white men only, while shitskins get to do whatever they want because they donlcare.)
Admit it white man, following the age of consent is, in practice, nothing more than fallowing a policy of .Give Tyrone, Paco, and Muhammad a tum first', and that's exactly what the left is trying to meme you into doing by meeting you half-way and manipulating your naturally enhanced empathy for children and young people people via fake kike science. ("Rind alai?, a study that slipped through the kike's cracks and showed that the effects of so-called 'child sexual abuse' were exaggerated, was the only scientific study ever officially condemned by the US congress even though they cited no specific flaw with it)
•Anonymous 12/31/16 (Sat) 09:22:59 ID: 8616178 No.8642902 »asazsaz »8602950 »8642897 Last one:
The truth that we can be see in our daily lives is that women only truly have any sod of respect for men that they originally formed a relationship with when they were younger, in the same way that (mast) women, despite their whorish ways, tend to have some respect far their father. As they grow older, their ability to farm patemal attachments wears off, and they lase the ability to truly respect a man (other than an a primal level of having a temporary lust for chad so long as he never shows any emotional vulnerability or human qualities) ever again. This paternal respect, in which the woman follows the man as apposed to falsely viewing herself his equal, is a key element in proper romance between men and women, which is why our truly redpilled ancestors who were completely untouched by kike propaganda maned young women. It was simply obvious to them. They knew that leaving women to sit until they tuned ages like 18 simply made them spoiled and bitter. You ever seen a really hot girl wit an average/somewhat ugly dude? I have to, and mast of them met when the girl was very young. He is no chad, but because he formed such a crucial pad of her development, she is attached to her partner in a way that she never could be to chad, and wouldn't dream of leaving.
We also know that the ideal breeding age and age of peak fertility, scientifically speaking, fora woman is around 13 or 14. So what do you trust to lead you toward proper breeding habits, Jewish propaganda or your awn lying. body? Adhering to the ridiculous age of consent of 18 (or even 16 or 17) is suicide for the white race, and one of the primary causes of the breakdown of modem relationships. A man should begin courting a girl as soon as possible, to ensure tat a proper patemal attachment between him and her is formed, and should begin engaging in sexual conduct with her as sawn as her biology, not kike hickory, deems she's ready. (And as long as he stays loyal to her for life as she should, after decades of such contact with him, it won't matter one bit to her whether she started at 14 or 18.)
The primary goal of a woman/girl in life is to find one man, and devote the entirety of her feminine resources to him (affection, loyalty, sex, child-rearing, housekeeping, etc.) to support his masculine endeavors throughout his life. This is the way we were programmed, and any other relationship arrangement is inferior. And it doesn't make any difference whether she starts at 12 or 18, other than that waiting until 13 gives her no stable male romantic influence to lead her through puberty and into adulthood, allowing far all sods of degenerate influences to crawl into her life and lead her astray from her proper path. Quit getting kiked /pot/. Don't take my word for it Instead of trying to make a diamond out of the coal of washed up, legal whores, find a 13 or 14 year old QT and flirt with her a bit You don't even have to do anything that will put you at any legal risk. Just court her a bit, and feel the difference between a girl who still has that uniquely feminine natural respect and admiration for you and your average adult stay slut I guarantee you that it wont be long before you're ready to find one and help develop her into a proper woman to eventually marry, cementing your place in her mind for life and creating an unassailable band between you Ma. Or you can keep hunting in the trash can far Jamal's leftovers. It's your choice.