If your scheme is employed, any bad actor can monopolize the revenue sharing and take away from legitimate users while contributing to spam. Spotify has the same problem.
measures that could be put in place to prevent users creating multiple accounts. This would be nothing like Spotify.
"It" doesn't exist yet, so you'll have to clarify your proposal and how it solves digital identity :P may I suggest https://www.mttr.app/home for a longer format.
IP checks & cookie tracking are two widely known ways to prevent users from creating multiple accounts. Getting advanced would be to check user-agents, screen size, etc.
Im not making a story, so i dont need mttr.app. My point is if we "saved" a sat or two from each transaction, we would be able to provide new users with some sat to start.
I think this is challenging. The Bitcoin.com faucet had to be shut down because of abuse. The cat-and-mouse security model you propose is expensive and not convincing to me.
Also, not being able to withdraw the startup money would put a stop into anyone making multiple accounts, besides from maybe spam, which would be pointless.
how would this be done? start up accounts have private keys under memo.cash control? or memo.cash wouldn't share the private key until some action is taken?