And almost all, if not all, reference Bagemihl's ridiculous book. Its pathetic. Its a dumb argument for a dumb argument because why are you basing your behavior on an animal anyway?
It was a continuation of a conversation with someone else. TrashPosterinthe Dark or whatever his name, said that homosexuality amongst animals was only an isolated few and far between.
Not agreeing or disagreeing with your conclusion but "animals do it so we should too" is an extremely dumb argument. By that logic we should also be murderors, cannibals, polygamous...
The argument wasn’t animals donit so we should too. The argument was that homosexuality isn’t an uncommon occurrence that is seen in animals and humans and It’s not perverted.
Ok, I've seen many dogs that habitually eat feces. If a human does that, is it perverted? Your argument is non-sequitur. One statement has literally nothing to do with the other.
Now that we are talking about literally eating sh*t I think we are officially off topic and the entire point of the conversation is lost. I’m going to politely exit&bow out now 😂
When trying to find the line where acts are considered "perverted" you need to find a few things that fit (hopefully!?)obviously into that category and then ask why. Simple logic.