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replied 2377d
It's been suggested in April. @memo too chicken to implement. But the idea is sound, decentralize editing, How do you think a dislike button would help, and how to prevent abuse?
replied 2377d
You should only be able to dislike each post once. Likes can already be manipulated with multiple likes.
replied 2376d
Disliking is a stupid feature which destroys harmony. Use instagram and realize how positive it is because it has no way to dislike. Multiple likes are actually a realistic feature.
replied 2376d
You have no previous experience in paid diskliking.
replied 2377d
What about a single big $BCH dislike? I think that is what @memo wouldn't like happen. A censorship of a single or multiple rich entity/entities. Basically same as Twitter bans.
replied 2377d
But can't that already be done with likes? If enough troll accounts upvote a post like "BCH is a scam"... Memo can just add views/ranks/list with and without dislikes factored in.
replied 2377d
Exactly, it can be done now. So this is really not a good argument against paid dislikes.
The big advantage of paid dislikes is gamification. There will be like wars.
replied 2377d
Like wars provide entertainment to users, $$$ to miners and @memo. Win Win Win.
replied 2377d
Answering to self. If there was a list of active dislikes with amount paid for dislike, it could be possible that a positive counter-like could be applied and thus neutralize the dis.