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replied 2367d
Well, are the gays and the lesbians and the panwhateversexuals wrong simply because they use sex for a purpose other than biological reproduction?
replied 2367d
I am going to recommend you for a medal. A gold medal in metal gymnastics and virtue signalling. BTW, you still have not told me why perverts should be not considered as mentally ill
replied 2367d
Probably because the people your calling perverts have done nothing wrong.
replied 2367d
Trans trying to force everyone to use gender neutral pronoun so they can live their fantasy world without having their feelings hurt by reality is VERY wrong.
replied 2367d
Ok your male correct?
I am only going to refer to you using female pronouns against your will from now on.
Yes ma’am.
Now you & your wife is are lesbians. Now your mentally ill.
replied 2367d
Thank you for confirming how ridiculus these people are. When I refer to a person I refer to their chromosomes. I don't give a shit about how they feel about them.
replied 2367d
No ma’am. The presence of testosterone or estrogen in the body is what determines gender. Chromosomes determine DNA & the genetics passed on from mother and father. Yr a silly woman.
replied 2367d
I'm assuming you went to public school, and your parents left you in front of the TV a lot.
replied 2367d
Chromosomes determine if u have a penis or a vagina. There are 2 possible combinations XX which will make u a female and XY which will make u a male. Hormones imballance is a illness.
replied 2367d
It's not just Chromosomes. We have many XY Male chromosome people today with vaginas. And vice versa.
replied 2366d
do you mean intersex people or people with a front hole?
replied 2366d
People who have Sex Change surgeries. If you're born a man with XY and have a sex change surgery, you have a vagina and XY. Pretty simple.
replied 2366d
ok... 😬
replied 2367d
More concretely, is the SRY gene located in chromosome Y. There are several sex chromosome aneuploidies:
replied 2367d
Of course, then gene expresion leads to hormone release which determines gender. For example, estrogen leads to brain masculinization under fetal development.