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replied 2031d
Dude, you live in #clownworld If you can't stand mocking or bullies you need to grow a pair.
replied 2031d
Just a peace-lovin' person. Whining other people won't make you the greatest person ever lived. Thus screaming with hate will just make "them" create a fool out of themselves.
replied 2031d
I get your point but you cannot rely on censors to enforce your philosophy. Freedom is more important than protecting men-child fragile little feelings.
replied 2031d
Freedom ends when another nose begins! :)
replied 2031d
Right, that's why censors must be rejected at all cost. Because they infringe arbitrarily on everyone's freedom.
replied 2031d
Beside, censors always end up being the biggest hateful bullies because they are in a position which cannot be challaged.