Social programs are insufficient, and cater to the desires of the rich to *appear* selfless.
The idea that it caters to the rich is absurd. Also they are hardly insufficient. They just do not make you middle class. Communism offers no solutions. Social programs are better.
That being said, we have the resources to provide for everyone's basic needs, yet millions still die of starvation every year because of a price tag. That's not acceptable.
Not to mention the tens of thousands of people in America that are left with medical debt more dangerous than the injuries the hospitals treated. You'll live, but be a homeless bum.
These are not economic issues. War torn countries are not suffering a failed economic model. The other times these issues happen it is because they are communist nations.
Okay. So what about the US? It's not war torn, nor communist. Yet millions are starving, unable to afford healthcare, unemployed and only surviving on government funds and crime.
12.7 percent of all U.S households. 6.1 million U.S. households suffer from severe food insecurity, which means the people who live in them are often hungry.