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1324d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:

Hello everyone, I am from Montreal.
Life sucks at the moment, everyone is spreading fear and panic about COVID and normal life won't be resuming anytime soon.

1. Mamadi Camara - $670
This black fella is suing city judicial authorities for being wrongfully arrested, for $1 million dollars...
How ridiculous is this? Police officers and prosecutors do their job, what they're supposed to. And sure sometimes they make mistakes while getting to the truth, it's part of the process.
But this nigger saw this as a golden ticket opportunity to take advantage of today's leftist sentiment in order to get rich.

2. Kissy Duerre - $850
A Canadian black transgender TikTok influencer. I'm not sure what else I need to say after such a description.
I encourage you to watch some of her videos if you need some good reasons to hate this bitch. I made the mistake of watching some of them myself.

3. Annamie Paul -$500
This is a Canadian politician affiliated with the inconsequential Green Party.
I hate her not only because she is a stupid hippie who shouldn't be anywhere near politics, but mostly because of her recent comment that diversity matters in politics.

4. Mary Simon - $600
This politician is the Governor General of Canada, which is an infinitely stupid role that has to do with representing the British crown in Canada.
What's even more cingeworthy is how she's being celebrated as the first indigenous person to hold this job. Nobody fucking cares...

5. Harsha Walia - $720
This stupid bitch is a "civil rights" activist. She is even the head of some B.C Civil Liberties association.
I hate her because recently, another website called VICE was reporting that a couple of churches were set on fire, and to that tweet Harsha replied "Burn it all down".
Yes, that is a direct quote of the tweet, I have a link to a screenshot below.

6. Statue of Emily Murphy - $300
Emily Murphy is an activist from the 20s, who is most famous for being the one to fight for women's rights and get them declared as persons.
I hate this statue, because this useless woman who achieved absolutely nothing got a whole park named after her and even a statue.
I'm very glad some people vandalized it recently.

7. RoseAnne Archibald - $450
This beautiful woman (not really) is the elected head of a stupid organization called Assembly of First Nations.
I hate her because she is a hypocrite. She says that she wants to make the AFN more inclusive, diverse and transparent, but meanwhile she is being accused of harassing staff members.

8. Rodney Ramsey - $600
This is a so-called comedian who is just terrible. Most of his jokes are about racism or other kinds of popular "oppression". He is sto starved for attention that he was even doing drive-in performances during the COVID lockdowns.

9. Helen Naslund - $720
This is a woman who in 2011 shot her husband in her head while he was sleeping.
It is not very recent, but I still hate her and added her to the list because now she is seeking to have her sentence reduced and be released, because her husband was actually abusive.
This is absolutely disgusting. There are many things to do to escape an abusive relationship, shooting your husband in his sleep and then also hiding his body is not one of them.

10. Kevin J. Johnston - $500
This populist politician and mayoral candidate should be hated because among other things, he is a big idiot and COVID-denier. As if anybody is able to fake hundreds of bodies going to the morgue, or somehow profit from that.

11. Calgary Stampede - $700
This is a music festival that took place this month. In the middle of a fucking pandemic...
Most Asian countries have been strict and have gotten rid of the virus. However we in the western countries still need to suffer for some reason because people need to party and go to music festivals...

12. Windsor City Council - $1000
This is the council for the city of Windsor, which is of course government employees. And what do goo government employees do? Waste taxpayer money of course.
These fucking retards went ahead and approved $200,000 in funding for.... anti-racism!
Windsor city has a population of only around 300k, this money could have really improved things for so many residents. But no, we need "anti-racism", whatever that is.

13. STOPMTL - $1200
This website is an online app, where people of color are encouraged to report their contacts with the police in Montreal.
It is yet another idiotic tool for black people to cry out that they are victims, then probably use the results in order to defraud their fellow white taxpayers out of more government funding.

14. African Nova Scotian Justice Institute - $700
Continuing in a similar fashion, this is a brand new organization that is meant to combat racism in the justice system.
What's the best part you ask? They need $4.8 MILLION to do this.
That's right, literally millions of taxpayer dollars are going to a useless bunch that only look out for one race of people. And in a province where blacks are about 15% of the population!!

15. Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak - $600
Another indigenous group of shitskins. This one is actually actively lobbying the government for retarded causes, while also being funded by the government itself. It's quite the circlejerk.
They are on this list of hate because they call for the government to "change their ways or resign", claiming that they are too racist.

16. CRTC - $810
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is one of the most corrupt organizations in the country.
Even though they are a governmental group and receive government funding, they still turn around and host auctions for massive profits.
There are many cases, especially recently, where key members like the chairman will strike secret deals with their friends and associates instead of regulating the radio-waves in a manner that is fair and transparent to all.

17. The Liberal Party - $1300
This is our current ruling party, and oh boy... They are one of the most oppressive governments you can find in the west, and they have way too much power currently.
In recent news, they are trying to pass new laws that would seek to limit only content, and even go as far as to define and ban "hate speech".
Freedom of speech is a relic of the past in this country because of them, and I wonder what rights we will lose next.

18. The Antisemitism Summit - $1000
Yeah so this is just ridiculous. Not so much because I dislike jews, but because there is no antisemitism in the country! These people who complain live in Canada, not in some Arabic country that wants to bomb them!
Childish displays of victimhood like this make me just furious.

19. The Blended Visa Office - $1500
This is one of those things that you look at and your first reaction is: god, no, please, no this can't be true.
They have a program called BVOR where regular liberal idiots can sign up to financially sponsor refugees who arrive in Canada and accept them in the country.
Enough is enough with these refugees, we have borders for a reason, and we have enough problems on our own without them coming and destroying our culture.

20. Federation Of Black Canadians - $660
This is a lobbying organization that tries to spark financial reform, but of course only for black people.
As if we aren't making their lives easy enough already...

21. Native French speakers in Canada - $740
French is an official language here and I fucking hate it. I only speak English, as we should do in this country, and it's so annoying to see everybody pandering to the French-speaking idiots left and right.
Signs and advertisements are usually in French, some people get pissed when a government official doesn't speak French, and in some parts of Montreal service staff may even speak French to you by default!!

22. Black people - $3000
So it's a bit of a theme on this list, and in case you didn't realize it yet I'm quite racist.
I grew up with my parents in the suburbs near Montreal and life was great. We would leave our bicycles on the street, doors and windows unlocked, there were no worries.
Then I had to move out to go to College, and being not particularly wealthy I had to live in let's say quite a "diverse" area.
It's actual hell. You can see people selling drugs in broad daylight at street corners. There are regular break-ins at people's apartments. There are always black thugs going around on bicycles, harassing white people and stealing their phones and cash.
And no one can do anything! The police are too afraid to approach these people because they may get filmed and lose their jobs.
And if that isn't bad enough, you will also frequently see news of tax-funded government spending going to the niggers in multiple forms, some of them I've included in this list for your reading pleasure.

23. Muslims - $1500
We have a shit ton of muslims here in Canada. They are a plague, they spread like rats and actively refuse to participate in society.
Their children don't learn the language, often go to Arabic schools. They basically live in ghettos where you can only see arabic signs on shops, they are no-go areas even for police.

24. Mandatory vaccination - $1400
This one boils my blood: I hate all politicians and businesses that make COVID vaccination mandatory.
Cases of the virus are already way down where I live, but politicians still refuse to allow us to return to normal and force people to get vaccinated by threatening their jobs and freedom.
Why are we not this scared of the flu or sunburns as well while we're at it?

25. Tax fraudsters - $560
I hate people who commit tax evasion. From large corporations who hide their profits off-shore, all the way down to little guys who receive their salaries in cash.
We pay a crapload in taxes here in Canada, and I really feel it very heavily every year during the declaration period. And I'm a simple employee, it's impossible for my to avoid my taxes. But big companies get to skip out on the bill just because they have enough money to pull shit off.

26. Simps - $900
I hate men who worship women and have elevated them to the top of society.
These "simps" will always give extra attention to women, always defend them online and in real-life and in general give them preferential treatment and make their lives easier.
Some of them even just shower them with money for no reason.
As a result everything in the world favors women, from job/college applications all the way to dating.

27. Gay pastors - $1000
There has been a new horrible trend recently on TikTok and other social media, where so-called pastors make gay-ass content about how they support the LGBTQ community.
Their videos are so cringeworthy it makes you wanna vomit.

28. COVID panic spreaders - $1300
It's mostly "journalists" who are responsible for this hot mess, but many many people on social media are responsible for perpetuating this bullshit as well.
These people have made COVID completely rule our lives, constantly making everyone as scared as possible.
Instead of sticking to sensible protection measures and moving on with our lives, these sheep make it so that we need to live with COVID for as long as possible and suffer so much.

29. Women who divorce - $870
This may be a bit controversial even for this community, but I hate women who divorce their husbands.
Women are put here so they can have babies and raise them. This is what their bodies and brains are made for.
But some women just get "bored", and so divorce their husbands and take their house and most of their money. This also ties in with number 26, because women always get preferential treatment in divorce settlements.

30. Clickbait writers - $1700
If you produce content with clickbait titles I fucking hate you.
If your articles or videos are not worth watching, then they should not be watched by anybody.
With everything containing unanswered questions leading sentences or outrageous claims, it is fucking impossible to try to find worthwhile content on the internet of any kind.

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