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2418d · Ideas to improve our lives
What is the appropriate way to interact with people that behave hostile towards you? I sometimes find it hard to judge in these situations.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2412d
Practice your polemics. The best way to win a debate is convince the listeners not the person your debating. I've had multiple twitter threads get completely deleted by opponents.
replied 2418d
it's indeed hard. You can try to observe the situation but if you don't find what can be wrong, just simply don't interact with those people.
replied 2412d
Sue them, buy crypto
replied 2412d
Seems like a solid plan
replied 2418d
simply disregard. above all, maintain your calm.
replied 2418d
"A mild answer turns away rage, But a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise makes good use of knowledge, But the mouth of the stupid blurts out foolishness."Proverbs 15:1,2
replied 2418d
My first instinct is to talk with with them, i cant explain why
replied 2418d
Self defense as a last resort, otherwise don't reward them with the attention they seek