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Keep Twetching.

Twitter is filled with bots, trolls and misinformation. It costs nothing to post, like, follow and reply. Thus, it can easily be abused, manipulated, and your account be disabled in an instant. Likewise, it is the Twitter company that gets rich with all your activities.

Twetch ( ) is a competitor to Twitter built on top of Bitcoin SV. It costs $0.02 to post, but you earn up to $0.09 for every people that followed you, liked your post, and even replied to your messages. It incentivized people to post information that will be valued by someone else, and discourages bad behaviors by costing them money.

Decades from now, more applications will be built around this economic system of Bitcoin SV, forming the new Internet - on what will be known as Metanet. And all other applications that failed to move to Metanet will still be running on what we currently know as Internet, where the true value of information could not be ascertained as Bots, Trolls and Manipulators still proliferate highly around them.

Drop Twitter and start Twetching. The future will be built on Bitcoin SV.