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replied 2408d
Under that argument, memo probably shouldn't be on the blockchain either.

replied 2408d
To take the data down you have to take the entire currency down. This is extremely powerful.
replied 2405d
Words can be more powerful than even large sums of money. Worth of Martin Luther King Jr's speech? Worth of whistleblowers' data? Worth of censorship exposure?
replied 2407d
I view Memo as a nice proof-of-concept, but long form / high volume storage will be better served by other blockchains or solutions long term, and then this tech will fade out. My 2c.
replied 2407d
Perhaps multiple blockchains is the way things will go, but to me a single chain seems more likely.
En Fri Mand
replied 2407d
Would be very cool if we could have one chain for all. Though I think it's very unlikely/impossible,
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2407d
Judging from similar structures in nature, we're looking at pairs of coins.
replied 2407d
I actually tried the "multiple blockchains" strategy with data in mind. It introduces more attack vectors than just IPFS. It might work in some cases tho.
replied 2407d
did you write up your findings anywhere? interested to learn more about how data could be stored on/with blockchain.
replied 2407d
Maybe we need a way to incentive archival nodes. If eventually there's a lot of data, we could develop something like swarm nodes: parts of the blockchain stored in multiple nodes.
replied 2407d
it isn't a question of "right and wrong" it's a question of planning now so that in five years you're still relevant
replied 2407d
not all data must be stored on one single blockchain. "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Why not long form hi def video content? because it'll get priced out one day.
replied 2407d
I think there's a good chance it's the other way around. Right now it's not cost effective to store hi def video on-chain, but eventually it might be.
replied 2407d
however it also appears to me that a competitor with a more efficient storage mechanism will also make you regret this decision one day, too :)
replied 2407d
I respect your right to use the permissionless peer-to-peer electronic cash blockchain as a means to store short messages as well
replied 2408d
Memo on blockchain provides good foundation. Social networking is incomplete without rich media, and it’s clearly impossible to support it onchain.
replied 2408d
Why memo (the protocol) is important is not due to storage but due to uncensorable communication and identity ownership. All OP_RETURN data can be pruned.
replied 2408d
It's uncensorable because it is stored on the blockchain. If IPFS suffices for storage then why would you need to use the blockchain at all?
replied 2408d
Because there isn't ownership in IPFS. The blockchain allows identity ownership. Also, all transactions are viewed the same as long as you pay, so communications (txs) aren't censored