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Here are some of the stories we're covering from around the world:

Ukraine’s Parliament Passes a Politically Fraught Mobilization Bill

After months of political wrangling, Ukraine’s Parliament passed a new law on Thursday that aims to replenish the nation’s exhausted and depleted fighting forces, which are struggling to hold back relentless Russian assaults that are expected to intensify into the summer.

Assange’s Wife Expresses Cautious Hope as Biden Suggests U.S. Might Drop Case

Five years after Julian Assange, theWikiLeaks founder, was first imprisoned in a high-security facility in Britain while fighting a United States extradition request, the Biden administration has given the clearest signal to date that it might drop its prosecution of him.

Before He Died in Prison, Aleksei Navalny Wrote a Memoir. It’s Coming This Fall.

“Patriot,” Aleksei Navalny’s memoir, will be published in October. It was written during the years leading up to his death in a Russian...