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Recently there was a transparency day of the bolivarian revolution which is happening in Venezuela. They informed about the different missions to educate and help their population to get out of the fascist past.
replied 1717d
Bullshit, bro... Venezuela has never been fascist, we were social-democrat, acción democrática was the 4th republic, you should read more about and quit reading comunist propaganda
replied 1717d
I have a very unique skill that is fearless communication, I open conversations with everyone every day and together we grow so fast and create real community.
replied 1717d
I met one interesting human after the other, I made twenty friends in 3 days, I made 100+ friends in just one month walking in Caracas. You have no idea of what is actually possible.
replied 1717d
I visited this forum, I was running three days with little sleep, I slept on the same space to not loose any time to learn from all these fantastic humans transparently collaborating.
replied 1717d
You read my post and instead of trying to understand and realise that there was this Forum which welcomed 120 nations which participated the only thing you find is a potential error.
replied 1717d
The humans in the egoistic fascist society have been programmed to criticize and hate on each other instead of looking for opportunities of collaboration. Perfect mental slavery.
replied 1717d
To have a democracy the population must be able to make educated decisions and there must be a democratic direct way to make decisions. Parliamentary democracy is a fascist society.
replied 1717d
There is just one working democracy in Europe, that is Swiss, where people voted against buying new military bombers recently as they have a direct democracy and speak three languages.
replied 1717d
You are probably even thinking that the United States of fascism are a democratic society and probably you believe that in Europe democracy exists... It is all occupied by the CIA...
replied 1717d
Maybe you are the one reading propaganda as I am simply using my eyes and my brain. I do not even have the time to read/watch anything as I am talking all day with real unique humans.