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replied 2426d
Simon Van Gelder
Exactly the point. The real value is the collateral, not the money. :) If you can restrict the money circulating via loans, you can collect collateral.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
I see. Do you agree that Crypto has the possibility to be a positive asset, and not just be "good for all debts, public and private"?
replied 2426d
Bitcoin as money wont break the bankers debt money system, Tokens ontop of bitcoin will through self issued credit.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Do you see Bitcoin as money gradually superseding the "debt money system" due to efficiency (if not destroying it entirely)?
replied 2426d
Gold, Bitcoin, salt anything that is a Uniform, single commodity given its Value by its Scarcity (or abundance) can become debt money. People will have to issue their own credit.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Wouldn't that just perpetuate the debt? Wouldn't a more sensible solution be to reject lending entirely?
replied 2426d
Self issued credit backed by the persons or businesses promise of Goods or Services only is the only way to end debt money.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Do you want slavery? Because that's how you get slavery.
replied 2426d
I disagree. How so?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Enforcing delivery of a service is essentially slavery, unless I am missing something.
replied 2426d
Only if you yourself promised issued a credit to do so. Its 100% voluntary.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Slavery agreed to in the past is still slavery.
replied 2426d
If you call free will slavery, then we are all slaves.
replied 2426d
Good thing nobody is calling free will slavery. Human will is, however, inalienable. If I agree to work 5 days for 100 dollars, I can leave in 4 days with 80, if I am free.
replied 2426d
"Free" is when you put energy in things that interest you. Responsibility may be one of them for some people. There's also a level of suffering that comes with ultimate freedom.
replied 2426d
Then there is not difference than pricing your labor in credits you yourself own and produce. Which is not controlled by those who control the money your labor is priced in,
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
Yes it is: you get paid after the work, not before.
replied 2426d
If you break your promises of labor in a credit system, no one will accept your credit anymore and become bankrupt until you can return to good credit. Its all on you keeping truthful.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
And what, pray tell, must someone in "bad credit" do to restore credit? By doing the work originally promised?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
And you have the option of changing your type or application of labor (not a coal-miner for ever).
replied 2426d
Changing employment wouldnt be affected one bit. You would be paid in the credits (think of stock.) of the company you work under.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
I don't work for coupons. That's a very ruff sell.
replied 2426d
also, in your bio think you mean Bitcoin will become the prison of our *grandchildren* not forefathers. can be a prison in the past/before it was created.
replied 2426d
Our forefathers were imprisoned by Gold, we are returning to that same prison with Bitcoin. Banks will still wield BTC as Debt money.
replied 2426d
Banks and governments, and others looking to create something out of nothing, were restricted by gold.
replied 2426d
You are starting a thread on fundamentals in the psychology of wealth-building. Gold is important as BTC is important because man has fear. Fears are subsided with a form of security.
replied 2426d
To add to that, man holds a cash balance to prepare for uncertainty.
replied 2426d
There's always uncertainty. Just makes us feel better. So, anything to mitigate risk and the feeling of suffering.
replied 2426d
Not exactly. You can still create debt money with Gold. Just lend 1$ to your friend and him lend it again and once more, congrats, you indebted 3$ of goods with 1$. No printing needed.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2426d
You cannot give away freewill, even by virtue of freewill. Even slaves have freewill: it's just that it might not matter when they're perpetually indebted by their father's fathers.
replied 2426d
It sounds crazy to issue your own credit, but it makes sense.
replied 2426d
Wouldn't the free market decide the value of these tokens in Bitcoin?
replied 2426d
Its not a free market issue. Check out to understand better.