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2378d · Introduce Yourself
Hi all. Like this thread. Mike from NJ here. Working to learn crypto with my son because I think this is critical for him to understand because it will grow as he grows.
replied 2378d
Hi Mike, how long have you been working to learn crypto?
replied 2378d
Just a few months. Long way to go! Trying to learn by trying things and not just HODL. Tracking our experience at
replied 2378d
I like your blog, I did not know about Tipping Tuesday, thanks for that!
replied 2378d
If you haven't looked feel free to also check out my free crypto blog - It contains my view on the markets.
replied 2378d
Looks like you have som good stuff on ther, not just crypto(Nature Walk)I like Surrender to BCH...from April...personally I'm not a trader,ppl who are might like the analysis.
replied 2378d
Thanks. I'm thinking about adding crypto video content. The nature walk was a good test video.