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Tone Vays
I totally destroyed Roger Ver in the debate on the bitcoin cruise. :0

My points were solid and my awesome abs helped seal the deal. Face it, I am the total package.
replied 2374d
Uhhhhhh ya, No.... No you didn’t destroy Roger on the cruise debate and your skinny white boy body didn’t help you at all lol
Tone Vays
replied 2374d
Watch the video here
Tone Vays
replied 2374d
Roger always does the same thing,, first he makes a good point, then he follows it up with facts as if we all want to hear about that. Bitcoin is not money, it's a store of value only
replied 2374d
Lmfao!! Bitcoin is a store of value only!?!?!!!!! That is actually the most stupid btc argument I have ever heard. They said Beenie Babies were a store of value too lol