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saved 162d
I don't disagree with the challenges "normies" present due to their ignorance. This is an uphill journey. And I don't disagree with CSW's settlement terms with respect to BTC, BCH, et. al. Knowing he has the upper hand, he is showing himself to be fair with respect to the intellectual property and to carrying out the intended goal of the Bitcoin Whitepaper. This further drives the stake into the heart of the "crypto cabal" because they really don't have a leg to stand on. CSW is being magnanimous and actually throwing them a bone, giving them free reign to do what they want with those corrupted databases, which he wants nothing to do with. In the meantime, he softens the blow to normies and gives them more time to come around to the reality that BTC and BCH are frauds. "For the judgment is merciless to one who has not shown mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment" (Jas. 2:13). CSW is taking the high road by showing mercy.

Of course, the reality...