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White men are people too
replied 2156d
No, I do not have to do that. I can also work for myself. Also, nothing stops me from starting a company of equal partners who part-take in every decision and do the same work.
replied 2156d
Capitalist going into place where people are poor, setting up some business, "giving" these poor people jobs with shit wage (because he can, as people are desperate) is exploitation.
replied 2156d
& its not Capitalist helping them, but capitalist helping himself, looking for opportunity to exploit the vulnerability of others in need, why capitalist create wars & love immigration
White men are people too
replied 2156d
Sometimes those poor people are OK with the arrangement. I do agree that people sometimes do horrible things, but I don't believe other systems keep bad people more in check
replied 2156d
That is the point I am trying to make, its the capitalist that needs other people to produce things, him alone can't do shit... its the other workers that he needs to make him rich.
White men are people too
replied 2156d
Often the company does big jobs that the workers individually cannot do. That means mutual dependency instead of one-way dependency that you pretend is the only state.
replied 2156d
Yes, you can try do that, never said you can't, but you can never get very rich like this because you NEED HELP of other people to make your business grow, you can't do it alone.
White men are people too
replied 2156d
Did you miss the part of the equal partners? And the part somewhere else where I said you do not have to choose to try to get rich?