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Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2240d
I am Satoshi
All roger did was buy a bunch of bitcoins at $1. Thats it.
I am Satoshi
replied 2240d
Roger gave away more bitcoins than most of us will ever own. Would you agree he has given away more bitcoin than you own?? he has me beat for sure and I have a lot of coins.
replied 2239d
That's a trick question
I am Satoshi
replied 2239d
we all know he has given away hundreds of bitcoins, unless your a millionaire right now the answer is he has given away more than you have.
replied 2239d
Roger is a good man
replied 2239d
Roger has been “marketing/promoting” bitcoin. He is the guy going around telling and showing people what bitcoin is and how to use it. He has done much more than buy bitcoin at $1
replied 2240d
Yeah I would like to see you out there everyday pitching BCH and handing out BCH to hundreds of people.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2240d
Roger is a LARP. He was compromised a long time ago. He is controlled oppostion.
Look at all the damage he has caused. All over an opcode nobody asked for.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2239d
I been thinking about this a lot. I have a few theories, but I'll keep them to myself for now.
replied 2239d
Would definitely love to hear some! Please share when it's time
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2239d
One big hint is that he says doesn't believe in nations or borders and most importantly - patent law. Also he's an "anarchist" from San Francisco siding with Chinese billionaires.
replied 2239d
What did you do lose your house betting on Margin?
replied 2239d
The damage HE caused? LOL.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2239d
If you're not a Bitmain Shill and you are interested in whats happening you should watch this video.
replied 2238d
Most of his finger pointing, points right back at himself. The irony is thick here.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2240d
You basically described a puppet.
replied 2240d
LMAO. He has a mission to make money for the world. A puppet would be a naive complainer such as yourself.
replied 2239d
Also just funding and investing in most of the Bitcoin startups back then, being a major player in Bitcoin adoption. No big deal right?
En Fri Mand
replied 2240d
Also he has promoted it a lot
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2240d
Roger was legit once upon a time. But has since been compromised.
En Fri Mand
replied 2240d
By whom? And what makes you think that?
replied 2239d
He is just misguided. Perhaps by his own mind. Perhaps by Jihan, who knows.
replied 2239d
He is dedicated however he is misguided ATM. I don't follow him any more.