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replied 2467d
One of the best summer drinks
replied 2467d
I will tell my friend to put it on the menu, sounds awesome
replied 2466d
Oh I forgot it gets garnished with an orange 🤗
replied 2466d
Laura's #LiquidMarijuanaBCH cocktail, slice of orange garnish
knock yourself out,
if you don't, hack it... Laura won't mind :)

how to upload images here?
replied 2466d
🤗awesome love it 🙃
replied 2466d
replied 2466d
OK, I learned how :)
replied 2466d
please, anybody who makes these, post pics.
It's one thing to see a recipe on the net
another to see the creations...

and after effects.
replied 2465d
It’s happening ronight
replied 2465d
Laura leaves no stoner unturned with #LiquidMarijuana :)