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Tag @modulus
replied 2389d
do you you @mention email notifier?
replied 2389d
I was implementing it on memo++. Sadly it can only listen to notifications while you have the page up, for now, which is quite a limited use case lol.
replied 2389d
hm just use/integrate my parser - it looking through post feed and check each post for @mention, put it to server and voila. link ->
replied 2389d
Yeah I know it can be done, but at the same time I didn't want to run a server just for this. The extension is meant to be mainly client side only.
replied 2389d
"+" of parser is that it works independently from you, there is no need in open page or smth. Anyway good luck with your project, I like your idea :)
replied 2389d
of course you should change email to browser notifications, but logic is almost the same :)
replied 2389d
use i mean)