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2385d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Notice how quiet the anti-CSW trolls are here compared to reddit? They are mostly Blockstream employees that don't have BCH
replied 2384d
CSW faked signatures to con people into believing he was Satoshi. Now, because of this, you care what he has to say. Weird.
replied 2384d
Thanks for the info. Any proof of this that you can link to?
replied 2384d
replied 2385d
I'm highly concerned about the personality cult forming around Wright.

Anyone with a healthy braincell can conclude that the guy is a bullshit artist, yet people still worship him.
replied 2384d
Anyone with a healthy braincell can conclude BTC is broken, yet people still defend it. So what's the problem?
replied 2385d
See how your entire post just now was ad hominem and didn't really say anything? It appeals only to people too stupid for this forum, and thus, a complete waste of time on your part.
replied 2385d
That's not how ad hominem works. Learn your logical fallacies.
replied 2385d
non sequitur. It's my opinion about him which I formed based on observations. The fact that you were triggered by it only shows that you're one of the blind Craig fanboys. :)
replied 2382d
replied 2382d
Not proving X, does not prove Y.
replied 2384d
We'll see what comes in Nov as him and others from nChain keep promising things to come out from them in Nov, we'll see if its all just talk. If it is, it'll start being real issue
replied 2384d
What I find funny is that he does know what hes talking about & I agree with him on most things, so its just weird not actually having anything substantial released by him personally.
replied 2384d
Lets see what the new values for X and Y are this week...

CSW is X and those who disagree are Y.

X = bullshit artist
Y = cult
replied 2384d
That is indeed a valid observation, could this mean these people don't actually have any BCH, which would imply that they are fake supporters of BCH? Good thinking!
replied 2384d
Not really. I, for example, don't feel like answering to Grumpy on reddit, and then here.
replied 2384d
Looking at myself, I don't stop myself to promote my ideas and thinking one platform while not doing the same on another. Redit, Twitter are free, Memo is not so that's a good clue.
replied 2384d
So then are you one of those guys at reddit? Or you are just trying to make a point that maybe they don't feel like doing it?
replied 2384d
Heh interesting observation.
replied 2385d
It's always either trolls or worshipers ? Black and white ? Some (real) people tries so hard to stir up drama, it makes CSW discussions unbearable.