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replied 2419d
I am an importer of Italian food and my customers are pizza shops, restaurants.. I m trying convincing some of them doing so... not an easy task!
replied 2419d
Give discounts to clients that accept BCH! Or mark up fiat prices ;)
replied 2419d
or, give a % back in BCH. Encourage people to DL wallets and give a small tip back. Every bit counts.
replied 2418d
I feel like a pizza shop catering to some IT centric neighborhoods - Pangyo or Tehran-ro - may be curious. But yes, it's not an easy task. (It's not easy to even "gift" bitcoins).
replied 2419d
import a new speciality product, and tell them you only accept BCH for that specific product, or only supply it to those who accept BCH, worth a try
replied 2419d
If your clients are in New York City,, we should talk re: crypto acceptance.