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replied 2322d
If Child services takes a child it's generally for the safety of the child. That is a hell of a lot different than taking a child from a parent that is seeking Asylum.
replied 2322d
Is it? Those parents chose to drag their children across a barren wasteland of a desert with little water and in the company of organized criminals. For what? Selfish creature comfort
replied 2322d
Boy if that is what you think, you are an ignorant Moron. You should listen to a Real Republican like John Kasich and stop listening to the Trump Trash.
replied 2322d
Well that didn't take long to resort to name calling in lieu of making an argument. Children call names. Adults refine and hone reason as a skill to cooperate and solve problems.
replied 2322d
The world makes a lot of sense when you realize most people still behave like children.
replied 2322d
You are right. I should have not said Moron. But you still are ignorant.
replied 2322d
Show me how, if you can. Otherwise it is you who are ignorant. Show me what it is that you know that I do not.
replied 2322d
"Selfish creature comfort." Isn't this what we all want? Eat, drink, and have a place to sleep. Don't judge others for wanting what you want: a bit of security and peace.
replied 2321d
Are you suggesting there is no comfort, food, drink, or shelter in Central/South America? Methinks you watch too much tv. Go for a visit, you might be surprised.
replied 2321d
It's simply that the prices are too high and that there are not enough jobs. They are poor. They realize that even the poor in America eat. They are coming because they are hungry.
replied 2321d
And you think there are enough jobs for unskilled, uneducated labor in America? Welfare to those who contribute nothing will break the entire system sooner than later. No, not okay.
replied 2322d
These people are heading to the U.S border because their kids are being raped and killed if they don't join a gang or a drug ring. They are trying to get a better life.
replied 2321d
What a load of bollocks! THEY have to fix it. If they don't, they deserve what they got. Those #immigrants turn host countries into shitholes like the ones they are from. #Deport!
replied 2321d
If I was in charge I'd administer an intelligence on the populous. All the people who fail - like you - would be deported.
replied 2321d
Then send your ass back from where your family originally came from too. Don't need shitholes like you in the U.S
replied 2321d
So you agree that there are shithole cultures?
replied 2321d
Immigrants come to the U.S for a better life. It's always been that way. Your azz doesn't get to decided who gets to stay. If you are singling out any group of people = racist
replied 2321d
No there are individual shitholes like you that are racists, bullies, and Bigots.
replied 2322d
Where is your evidence to support that claim? I don't believe it. I've lived in various parts of South America. Tens of millions live there and have for generations. How?
replied 2322d
War on drugs * . Honduras is a key US "ally" in the region and tacitly approved of military coup and regime as long as the war continues. The democratic process was destroyed.
replied 2322d
US war on terror: "Since 2009, the US has invested nearly $114m in security assistance to establish elite military and police u... as part of Hernández’s crackdown on gangs."
replied 2321d
So your saying that the US actually caused this problem & are systematically imposing propaganda to demonize the victims of its actions? SHOCKING! SURELY THEYVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!
replied 2321d
Empire building, amirite? Any EU4 player worth the salt would realize that the US of A needs a war. The US needs to punch a lot of gold out of some place, or disband a lot of troops.
replied 2321d
Or just declare bankruptcy, eat -3 stability, and start killing rebels.
replied 2321d
My parents have experienced life under a military dictatorship supported / accepted / encouraged by the United States. This is a common experience for many people around the world.