The surest way to know people dont want to go to USA (or any country) for welfare is to get rid of welfare. There are other positive externalities to living in developed coutries tho.
Instead of scrapping the system you could have people be qualified for it only if they either grew up there, or worked there for a period of time before hand. It is a good system.
This is the centrist position and I agree with it. Coincidentally, it's also Trump's position. More/better jobs solves the welfare problem. Immigrants can come if they want to work.
Which most do. People even joke about immigrants owning corner stores, but really it just shows the willingness to open a business. Willingness to take risks is a good thing.
I think as automation take many of the low skilled job that welfare will become more essential. As jobs get more complicated we have to accept that some people won't be able to work.
Automation makes complicated jobs easier. A typist today doesn't need near the skill they needed 100 years ago. Spell check does the work for them for example.
Which is irrelevant, and does not explain taxation. Taxation is payment for services rendered. You choose to live in a place that benefits from those taxes.
No, some people are smart enough to know they won't be able to keep their promises even if they wanted to. Unfortunately these people are in the minority.
Only at the border? Isn't taking parent's hard earned income by taxation robbing from children by the same reasoning? Isn't "child services" guilty of kidnapping constantly? #blinders
If Child services takes a child it's generally for the safety of the child. That is a hell of a lot different than taking a child from a parent that is seeking Asylum.
Is it? Those parents chose to drag their children across a barren wasteland of a desert with little water and in the company of organized criminals. For what? Selfish creature comfort
Boy if that is what you think, you are an ignorant Moron. You should listen to a Real Republican like John Kasich and stop listening to the Trump Trash.
Well that didn't take long to resort to name calling in lieu of making an argument. Children call names. Adults refine and hone reason as a skill to cooperate and solve problems.
"Selfish creature comfort." Isn't this what we all want? Eat, drink, and have a place to sleep. Don't judge others for wanting what you want: a bit of security and peace.
Are you suggesting there is no comfort, food, drink, or shelter in Central/South America? Methinks you watch too much tv. Go for a visit, you might be surprised.
It's simply that the prices are too high and that there are not enough jobs. They are poor. They realize that even the poor in America eat. They are coming because they are hungry.
And you think there are enough jobs for unskilled, uneducated labor in America? Welfare to those who contribute nothing will break the entire system sooner than later. No, not okay.
These people are heading to the U.S border because their kids are being raped and killed if they don't join a gang or a drug ring. They are trying to get a better life.
What a load of bollocks! THEY have to fix it. If they don't, they deserve what they got. Those #immigrants turn host countries into shitholes like the ones they are from. #Deport!
Immigrants come to the U.S for a better life. It's always been that way. Your azz doesn't get to decided who gets to stay. If you are singling out any group of people = racist
Where is your evidence to support that claim? I don't believe it. I've lived in various parts of South America. Tens of millions live there and have for generations. How?
War on drugs * . Honduras is a key US "ally" in the region and tacitly approved of military coup and regime as long as the war continues. The democratic process was destroyed.
US war on terror: "Since 2009, the US has invested nearly $114m in security assistance to establish elite military and police u... as part of Hernández’s crackdown on gangs."
So your saying that the US actually caused this problem & are systematically imposing propaganda to demonize the victims of its actions? SHOCKING! SURELY THEYVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!
Empire building, amirite? Any EU4 player worth the salt would realize that the US of A needs a war. The US needs to punch a lot of gold out of some place, or disband a lot of troops.
My parents have experienced life under a military dictatorship supported / accepted / encouraged by the United States. This is a common experience for many people around the world.
The question is almost never an either/or(as the Hegelian crazies would have you believe), it's a question of how bad the problem is, where to draw the line and who's going to pay.
There was once a time when almost everyone had to be involved in food production for everyone to eat. Now it is less than 1% of the people. Today almost everyone creates wealth...
More wealth will bring higher demand for high quality, sustainably grown/raised food(and low skill jobs). My Japanese wife refuses to eat American eggs because they taste so terrible.
Could be more people though. America's(subsidized) addiction to mass produced corn and wheat products is not sustainable long term. Even the beef eat corn, it's awful.
The US is very protectionist over agriculture, but most nations are. Agriculture is the last thing to globalise. Nations still want food security is globalism breaks down.
I don't imagine a future where we only eat McDonald's and shop at IKEA. I want hand made stuff. It's higher quality. I want to be entertained when I eat out, not served by a robot.
I want the robot myself. McDonalds and IKEA are good example of low skill labour. Where does one work when there is no demand for low skill labour? Not everyone has to work.
You should come visit Japan. One of the most automated places on earth. Also among the lowest unemployment rate on earth. Maybe I'll do a walk-through video of Tokyo station for you.
Yeah Japanese blood will get you automatic citizenship here. It's fascinating how they have almost the exact same identity politics issues as any other developed county though.
As wealth increases(an enevitalbe result of automation), so will services that only humans can provide. How about non-mass-produced luxury goods? Can robots make gourmet meals?
Can low skilled people do high skilled jobs? Do we need everyone to be employed in order to create enough wealth for everyone? With automation I think we won't.
I'm seeing a world where all wine is made from hand picked grapes. Just because you're not creative enough to imagine a business that utilizes low skilled ppl dsn't mean it cant happen
We must have different definitions of what constitutes a developed nation. Would you like to live in a world where you only buy mass produced crap from vending machines?
Like the world we currently live in? Yes. That said I see automation as improving things and lowering prices. Better than having the low skilled people doing it.
This would mean increasing industrialization (more automation) leads to increasing percent of the pop too low skill to work. Wonder if this has been the case? & size of effect?
I guess that's what I'm getting at. these trends dont come from nowhere. we should see evidence of them already. genuinely asking if anyone has studied these trends bc I'm curious.
They have been saying this since the industrial revolution. New jobs are created as old ones disappear. It is based on the notion that there is only so much work to do, which is wrong.