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replied 2321d
What do you mean by "privately owned"?
Is my body privately owned?
Do I own my body and labor?
What are capitalists?
replied 2321d
When you have business with multiple people working in it, and they are all collectively making decisions and share profits, that is a communist business, or worker cooperative.
replied 2321d
In Capitalism you don't own your labor, capitalist does. Capitalist is person that owns a business in which other people work and are not equal members of the business.
replied 2321d
So, what I gather from this is that when you say Capitalist, it's the same as what I mean when I say corporatist.
replied 2321d
Well, corporations are capitalist businesses, no one calls them capitalist businesses because no one wants to or dares calling it by real name as no one dares go against the system.
replied 2321d
How is "capitalist" the proper name? And are you not aware of the thousands and potentially million of people who say the exact same thing you're saying?
No, it's NOT no-one.
replied 2321d
Your body is not privately owned (Slavery was such system) but your WORK is owned by capitalist, and eve thing you produce is owned by capitalist.