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created poll 2401d
World cup 2108
Monday,2 July 16:00 UTC BELGIUM vs JAPAN
1.Place your bet as tips when you vote
Max bet: 5mil sats/bet. Min bet 30k sats/bet
2.All bets must be placed before 16:00 UTC
[Regular time] Belgium win (1.25x) 1 votes (1 unique) · 250,000 satoshis
[Regular time] Draw (8.0x) 2 votes (2 unique) · 300,000 satoshis
[Regular time] Japan win (4.0x) 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis


replied 2401d
I think you got the draw and japan win odds mixed up.
replied 2400d
@smurfkiller013: Payout of 312,500 sats given to you on my like-tip. For everyone who were very close to the 8.0x draw winning today, good luck to all next time :)
replied 2401d
It is tempting to drop a 5 mil on draw but I am not sure if you would pay it.
replied 2401d
I just received a 88k pay out for what it's worth.
replied 2401d
Yeah but he obviously got the odds mixed up. Japan win should have the highest odds. So I am not sure about that. If I knew, I would drop 1 mil now.